The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Hello! This week again our Pokémon Quiz Caravan is coming your way! Get yourself ready for Pokémon Smash!". Golgo and the crew all welecomed everyone by doing their PokéMorning by making their hands look like big ears. Yamamoto said they had been working on the Wi-Fi Global Link Japan Cup 2012. Golgo then asked if they knew what day May 5th was. He then explained that it was rubber day (5月6日 5(ご) 6(む) ゴムの日). Maria then showed up and had a long rubber band and to celebrate rubber day, Golgo got all the cast members to line up close their eyes and Maria picked Professor Red and put one end of the rubber band in his mouth and pulled it taut and let go. It snapped back and hit Professor Red.
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Akiyama introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library. The theme for the episode was: Deception doesn't pay off! (人をだましてもいいことはない!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
A Sitting Duck for Kamonegi (カモネギのカモ) from the
original series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, Maria and Misaki showed up and Golgo explained that Hana was still off doing Project Z after he reviewd an envelop the girls brought with them but he didn't tell them what it said exactly.
Professor Red then introduced his latest invention the RED 070 (イッタキニナール). Shoko-tan recently traveled to Hokkaido and Red's machine would give some of her experiences to Yamamoto. Both of them sat down and put on the helmets. Red asked Shoko-tan what the first thing she did in Hokkaido was.(最初になにをやりましたか?) She said that she ate a potato covered in butter. A plate of potatos was then given to Yamamoto and he was forced to eat it. She then said she walked barefoot in the snow. Yamamoto was then forced to put his feet in a bucket of snow. She then said there was a snow storm and fire extinguishers were set off to emulate that.
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Golgo then introduced the quiz caravan for this episode. They visited Miya Elementary School, Toda City, Saitama Prefecture (埼玉県戸田市立美谷小学校). The first quiz segment was a new one: the Black 2 White 2 Quiz (ブラック2ホワイト2クイズ). The kids were all on their own this time but were also divided up into two main groups and they would move to either the Black (X) or White (O) side when the questions were asked.
Below are the questions that were asked:
Black team won the quiz and got 30 points. Another new segment debuted called the Pokémon Puzzle Looking for differences quiz! (ポケモンパズルまちがい探しクイズ!). Teams were given 16 puzzle pieces and a time limit. They try to put the puzzle together before the time runs out and then look at the puzzle piece and try to spot the differences with a the other picture.

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Team White got 20 points while Team Black got 10 points. The next segment was the Keldeo Relay Quiz (ケルディオリレークイズ). The quiz consists of 5 different relay tasks: Finding a ball in a flour pan with your mouth, a 4 person/5 legged relay, Putting the Keldeo horn through a hole, passing a ring with Keldeo's horn and not letting a ball fall to the ground using the Keldeo's horns. The teams would each have to answer a trivia question to get the points for the team at the end of each relay task. The first team there would get to pick which question they were asked based on two different categories.
Below are the questions that were asked:
1 |
Game - Can Archen learn Fly? (アーケンはそらをとぶをおぼえられる?) |
(X) No, it can't (おぼえられない) Spoiler: Click to show! |
2 |
Card Game - Is there Dragon type energy? (ドラゴンタイプのエネルギーがある?) |
(X) No - (エネルギーはない) Spoiler: Click to show! |
3 |
Anime - At the Pokémon Centers in the Isshu Region, which Pokémon helps Joy treat injured Pokémon? (イッシュ地方のポケモンセンターでジョーイさんと一緒に治療をしてくれるポケモンは?) |
4 |
Movie - What type is Kyurem? (キュレムのタイプは?) |
5 |
Movie - Who was the director of Zorua the Movie? (ゾロア・ザ・ムービーの監督は?) |
6 |
Card Game - When playing with a 30 card half deck in the Pokémon Card Game, how many of the opponent's Pokémon do you need to knock out in order to win? (ポケモンカードゲームの30枚ハーフデッキ場合先にポケモンを何匹気絶させたほうが勝ち?) |
3 (3匹) Spoiler: Click to show! |
7 |
Card Game - Your turn ends once your Pokémon uses a move. (ポケモンがワザをつかったら自分の番は終了となる) |
Yes (終了となる) Spoiler: Click to show! |
8 |
Movie - What kind of Pokémon is Keldeo? (ケルディオは何ポケモン?) |
Colt Pokémon (わかごまポケモン) Spoiler: Click to show! |
9 |
Movie - What type is Meloetta? (メロエッタのタイプは?) |
10 |
Game - What kind of Pokémon is Meloetta? (メロエッタは何ポケモン?) |
Melody Pokémon (せんりつポケモン) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Team White ended up winning with 90 points while Team Black had 60 points. After the commercial break, the Smash crew way back to have a Pokémon Roleplay Lecture for the viewers at home. They showed how easy it is to take certain items and to be easily able to create a Keldeo hand puppet as well as other dress up costumes.