Home / Episode Guide / The Rage of the Red Gyarados!/あかいギャラドスのいかり!/Rage of Innocence

English Official Summary

Before they can oppose Team Rocket's evil plan to gain control of the Pokémon of the world, Ash and friends must escape from a Team Rocket holding pen. With their Pokémon rendered unable to fight by a sinister Team Rocket technology, this would be an impossible task—impossible that is if Jessie and James had not been fortuitously chosen to watch over them. When, sure enough, Jessie and James slip up, Ash and friends jump on the opportunity to escape. Together with Lance and his Dragonite, they must not only stop Team Rocket from perfecting their Pokémon Evolution Inducement machine, but also somehow quell the rage of the red Gyarados, as it threatens to destroy a nearby town.

Italian Official Summary

Prima che possano opporsi al piano malvagio del Team Rocket per conquistare il controllo di tutti i Pokémon del mondo, Ash e i suoi amici devono riuscire a scappare da un recinto costruito dai loro stessi nemici.

Portuguese Official Summary

As coisas vão mal para nossos heróis que foram capturados pela Equipe Rocket no Lago da Fúria. Com o destino dos Pokémon do mundo em jogo, poderá Ash sair dessa e salvar o dia?

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Las cosas se ven mal para nuestros héroes, quienes han sido capturados por el Equipo Rocket en el Lago Furia. Con el destino de los Pokémon del mundo en juego, ¿podrá Ash sobreponerse a la ocasión y salvar el día?

Spanish Official Summary

Antes de que se puedan oponer al malvado plan del Team Rocket para conseguir el control de los Pokémon del mundo, Ash y sus amigos deben escapar de una prisión del Team Rocket .

English Great Britian Official Summary

Before they can oppose Team Rocket's evil plan to gain control of the Pokémon of the world, Ash and friends must escape from a Team Rocket holding pen. With their Pokémon rendered unable to fight by a sinister Team Rocket technology, this would be an impossible task—impossible that is if Jessie and James had not been fortuitously chosen to watch over them. When, sure enough, Jessie and James slip up, Ash and friends jump on the opportunity to escape. Together with Lance and his Dragonite, they must not only stop Team Rocket from perfecting their Pokémon Evolution Inducement machine, but also somehow quell the rage of the red Gyarados, as it threatens to destroy a nearby town.

Dutch Official Summary

Het ziet er niet best uit voor onze helden, nu ze gevangen zijn door Team Rocket bij Lake of Rage. Lukt het Ash om dit tot een goed einde te brengen, nu het lot van alle Pokémon ervan afhangt?

French Official Summary

Avant de pouvoir déjouer les plans diaboliques de la Team Rocket, qui cherche à contrôler les Pokémon du monde entier, Sacha et ses amis doivent s'échapper de leur prison.

German Official Summary

Bevor sie Team Rockets Plan zum Erringen der Herrschaft über alle Pokémon auf der Welt verhindern können, müssen Ash und seine Freunde aus der Gefangenschaft entkommen.