Home / Episode Guide / Chouji Gym! Ice Battle!/チョウジジム!こおりのバトル!/Nice Pryce Baby

English Official Summary

Having earned Pryce's respect and permission to face the trainer in a gym battle, Ash makes the unlikely choice of sending out Cyndaquil, a Fire Pokémon, to face his opponent on an Ice battlefield. Fortunately, Ash's strategy pans out as he leads the gym leader to lower his defenses, allowing Ash to take the first victory in a two-on-two match. Next the gym leader sends out his trusty Piloswine, which immediately unleashes a Blizzard attack that completely alters the battlefield, allowing it to make quick work of Ash's defending Pokémon. With one victory each, the round enters sudden death with each trainer playing his oldest, most reliable Pokémon. A seasoned duo, Ash and Pikachu may match the teamwork of the gym leader and his Piloswine, but will this be enough in a slippery ice arena that is second nature to Piloswine, but whereon Pikachu struggles even to stand?

Italian Official Summary

Dopo aver vinto il rispetto di Alfredo e il permesso di affrontarlo nella Palestra, Ash fa l'improbabile scelta di utilizzare Cyndaquil, un Pokémon di tipo Fuoco, per affrontare il suo avversario su un campo di tipo Ghiaccio.

Portuguese Official Summary

Pryce e Ash estão a ponto de se enfrentar num frio embate no Ginásio da Cidade de Mahogany. Poderá Ash mostrar do que ele e seus Pokémon são feitos e conseguir sua sétima insígnia da Região de Johto?

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Pryce y Ash están a punto de enfrentarse en un frío concurso en el Gimnasio de Pueblo Mahogany. ¿Podrá Ash mostrar lo que sus Pokémon y él pueden hacer y así ganar su séptima medalla de Gimnasio de la región Johto?

Spanish Official Summary

Tras haber ganado el respeto de Fredo y el permiso para enfrentarse al Entrenador en un combate de Gimnasio, Ash toma la improbable decisión de enviar a Cyndaquil, un Pokémon de Fuego, para enfrentarse a su rival en un campo de combate Hielo.

English Great Britian Official Summary

Having earned Pryce's respect and permission to face the trainer in a gym battle, Ash makes the unlikely choice of sending out Cyndaquil, a Fire Pokémon, to face his opponent on an Ice battlefield. Fortunately, Ash's strategy pans out as he leads the gym leader to lower his defenses, allowing Ash to take the first victory in a two-on-two match. Next the gym leader sends out his trusty Piloswine, which immediately unleashes a Blizzard attack that completely alters the battlefield, allowing it to make quick work of Ash's defending Pokémon. With one victory each, the round enters sudden death with each trainer playing his oldest, most reliable Pokémon. A seasoned duo, Ash and Pikachu may match the teamwork of the gym leader and his Piloswine, but will this be enough in a slippery ice arena that is second nature to Piloswine, but whereon Pikachu struggles even to stand?

Dutch Official Summary

Pryce en Ash zullen elk moment een koude wedstrijd aangaan in de Mahogany Town Gym. Kan Ash laten zien wat hij en zijn Pokémon in hun mars hebben en zijn zevende Johto regio Gym badge verdienen?

French Official Summary

Ayant gagné le respect de Fredo et le droit de le défier dans l'Arène, Sacha décide bizarrement d'utiliser son Héricendre (un Pokémon Feu) pour affronter son adversaire dans combat de type Glace.

German Official Summary

Nachdem Ash sich Norberts Respekt und die Erlaubnis für einen Arenakampf verdient hat, entscheidet er sich entgegen aller Vernunft dazu, das Feuer-Pokémon Feurigel in einer Eisarena einzusetzen.