Follow the current state of the Pokémon anime's "Masters Tournament" alongside 3ji no Heroine! The content of today's episode will range from a video message from Daisuke Ono, who plays Dande, all the way to voice actress Kanade's Beroringa! Let's all have a great time together!!
It's a direct confrontation between Team Matsumaru and Team Abareru-kun, not in the "Pokèmon World Championships" Masters Tournament that will determine who's the greatest at Pokèmon battling, but in a Pokèdoko Battle!! But what are the key scenes from the Masters Tournament that brought Pokèmon fan Fukuda to tears?! Get ready, it's Champion Time!
Ryogo Matsumaru
Hikaru Takahashi
Shoko Nakagawa (voice of Koccar)
Guests: Maki Fukuda (from 3ji no Heroine), Kanade (from 3ji no Heroine) and Daisuke Ono