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04 Oct 2024 09:12 AM
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A press release was posted on October 4th, 2024 to announce the ending theme for the Rayquaza Rising chapter and also had comments from Minori Suzuki, Yuka Terasaki and Yoshino Aoyama.

The new ending theme for the Pocket Monsters TV show is going to be be "Pi-kaan!", which will premiere with the new chapter "Rayquaza Rising" on the October 11th, 2024.

The song will be produced by Giga & TeddyLoid, who also produced "Let me battle", the ending theme for the previous chapter. The vocals will be handled by an artist to be announced at a later date.

It was also announced that super popular Vocaloid Producer DECO*27, who contributed to the Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku (aka PokéMiku) project, will working on the song as well, writing the lyrics. This new ending theme will be a collaboration project between some of the absolute best there is, so expectations are high.


A preview screenshot from the new ending animation has also been revealed, this one showing Liko and Nyarote in cute poses. Make sure to check out the new episode on the 11th to learn what kind of ending theme this is going to be.


A comment from Minori Suzuki, the voice of Liko:
The experiences at Orange Academy have made Liko grow as a person, as well as made her stronger. She's no longer the same girl she was back in episode 1; Now she's been losing herself in battle and have learned things that go beyond simply winning and losing. This goes for Roy and Dot as well; I'm sure they're capable of overcoming any hurdle now! The new chapter Rayquaza Rising is one surprise after another, and these surprises will no doubt be accompanied by a never-ending sense of excitement; I once again truly feel that what makes the Pokémon anime so appealing is that both adults and children can get invested in it and become fired up! So let's go, everyone! It's time to set off on a new adventure with the Rising Volt Tacklers!


A comment from Yuka Terasaki, the voice of Roy:
The Terastal Debut arc had Liko and Roy complete their Terastal training and gave them some valuable experiences. Now, the new chapter "Rayquaza Rising" features a new beginning, where we'll finally get to learn more about Terapagos and Rakua, the main focal points of their story. I think it might even have an episode that will bring Roy a lot closer to his goal of getting Rayquaza.

This series still has a lot of mysteries to it: The Terastal Debut arc felt like it really changed the way Roy battles, so now that it's over, will he be able to get the Black Rayquaza the next time they battle? What is Rakua? What is Rakulium, or the "Eternal Blessing" as they call it? What's the deal with Lucius and the Six Heroes? I think the answer to a lot of these will be revealed in this chapter, so look forward to it!


A comment from Yoshino Aoyama, the voice of Dot:
Now that Liko, Roy and Dot have all completed their Terastal training and bonded further with their partners, it's finally time for the Rising Volt Tacklers to continue their adventure towards the Six Heroes and Rakua! This time they will finally be faced with the truth behind the mysteries that have been presented thus far. I hope you'll keep watching so that you'll see with your own eyes how Liko and the others will react and what they'll do afterwards.

As long as they're together, they'll surely make it there in the end! Oh, and if you look at the poster, you'll see that Dot's Kanuchan has somehow...?! Well, don't miss out on THAT! Please look forward to the new chapter Rayquaza Rising!

『ポケモン』新EDは「ピッカーン!」 歌唱アーティストは後日発表

テレビアニメ『ポケットモンスター』の新たなエンディングテーマは「ピッカーン!」に決定した。11日からスタートする新章「レックウザ ライジング」より放送される。
楽曲のプロデュースは、前章のエンディングテーマ「Let mebattle」に引き続きGiga & TeddyLoidが担当。歌唱を担当するアーティストは後日発表される。
初音ミク「ポケミク」にも楽曲を提供している超人気ボカロP、DECO*27が作詞として参加することも発表。最強と最強がタッグを組んだ新エンディングテーマに期待が高まる。 また、新エンディング映像から先行カットも公開。今回公開された画像には、リコ&ニャローテが可愛らしいポーズをしている様子が描かれている。どんなエンディングテーマになるかは、11日の放送を要確認。

オレンジアカデミーでの経験を経て、リコは成長し、逞しくなりました。夢中になってバトルをして、勝ち負けだけではない大切なことを学んだ彼女は、もう1 話の時とは違います。それはロイもドットも同じです。きっと今のリコ達なら、どんな困難も乗り越えていけるはず!新章「レックウザ ライジング」は、驚きの連続です。そして驚きと共に、ワクワクが止まらなくなること間違いなしです!大人も子供も夢中になって熱くなれるのがアニポケの魅力だよなって改めて実感しています。さあ皆様! ライジングボルテッカーズと一緒に、再び冒険しましょう!

テラスタル研修を終えて、大きな経験を詰んだ「テラスタルデビュー」編でしたね。新しくはじまる新章「レックウザ ライジング」ではリコとロイの物語の本筋である、テラパゴスとラクアについていよいよ明らかになってきます。レックウザをゲットするというロイの目標にもぐっと近づくお話があるのでは?! と思っています。

バトルの仕方にも大きな変化を感じた「テラスタルデビュー」編を経て、次こそ黒いレックウザをゲットできるのか?! そして、ラクアとは? 「永遠のめぐみ」といわれるラクリウムとは? ルシアスや六英雄についてなどなど、これまでに残してきた様々な謎が明らかになってゆくと思いますのでお楽しみにー!

それぞれのテラスタル研修を終え、パートナーとの絆もより深まり、ついに六英雄とラクアを目指しライジングボルテッカーズの冒険がまた動き出します! そしてこれまで積み重ねられてきた謎に、真実に直面します。その先でリコたちがなにを想い行動するのか、是非見届けていただけると嬉しいです。

みんなとならきっと、辿り着ける!そしてそして! ポスターを見てみると、なにやらドットのカヌチャンの様子が…!?見逃せない! 新章「レックウザ ライジング」編、是非お楽しみに!