Title: Pokémon Cafe - Last Resort Japanese Mixed Rice Plate Meal wi...
Pokémon Cafe is currently selling an all-Eevee menu item, as well as a Pokémon lattes with your choice of Eevee or its evolved forms! This sale will be on until Thursday, February 27th, 2025, so be sure to check it out if you haven't ordered yet. The Last Resort Japanese Mixed Rice Plate Meal with Eevee and Colorful Friends! plate first debuted on Thursday, November 21st, 2024, which was Eevee Day 2024.
Last Resort Japanese Mixed Rice Plate Meal with Eevee and Colorful Friends! & Eevee's Royal Milk Tea Set - 3,795 yen
イーブイの混ぜご飯プレート&ロイヤルミルクティーセット 3,795円(税込)
Inspired by Eevee and the Evolution-type Pokémons, you'll enjoy a Japanese mixed rice plate meal with 8 types of colorful ingredients♪
Just like Eevee's various possibilities of evolution, you can try various flavors depending on how you eat them.
*Eevee toothpicks may not appear on the menu due to inventory issues.
Say Hello to Eevee's Royal Milk Tea
Can you spot Eevee hiding somewhere? Or maybe Eevee is watching you from behind the glass? A royal milk tea-flavored drink and dessert, made from French almond cake and plenty of whipped cream.
The Eevee Mixed Rice Plate features eight colorful side dishes inspired by Eevee and its evolved Pokémon. Mix the rice and surrounding side dishes thoroughly before eating!
With each set, you will receive one original Pokémon Cafe sticker at random!
* There are three types of stickers in total. You cannot choose the design.
* Stickers will be available until stocks last.
* Stickers are only available to those who order the "Eevee Mixed Rice Plate & Royal Milk Tea Set".
Please note that this offer does not apply to those who order each item separately.
Choose Your Pokémon Latte Latte / Caffè Mocha / Caramel 935 yen each (tax included)
New designs have been added to the Choose Your Pokémon Latte, a latte which allows you to choose your favorite art from a wide selection of Pokémon! A total of nine new designs will be added, featuring Eevee and its evolved Pokémon.
Melamine Plate Eevee / Pokémon Cafe Eevee Plate Full Smile / Pokémon Cafe Eevee Plate Thank You for the Meal
1,650 yen each (tax included)
メラミンプレート イーブイ/Pokémon Cafe イーブイプレート まんぷくえがお/Pokémon Cafe イーブイプレート ごちそうさま
The Pokémon Cafe also sells original merchandise. You can purchase merchandise without reserving a seat, so feel free to drop by!
Last edited 24 Jan 2025 05:36 PM by