Title: Pokémon Sword and Shield - Event Distribution - KIBO Pikachu...
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During the THE SPACE SUNRISE LIVE 2021 live stream event from the International Space Station, it was revealed that Pikachu, who was said to have boarded the ISS as a crew member with astronaut Soichi Noguchi, would be distributed as an event Pokémon in the games Pokémon Sword and Shield. The Pikachu astronaut crew member effect was done through the use of AR which it was also used to show Rayquaza floating outside the atmosphere of earth.
The KIBO Pikachu will be distributed over Mystery Gift over Internet from January 1st, 2021 until January 15th, 2020. Pikachu knows the following moves: Thunderbolt, Swift, Wish and Celebrate. It is Level 21, has an OT of 210101, an ID of KIBO and is holding a Comet Shard.