Title: Pokémon UNITE - Battle Pass 5 - Frontier Style Zeraora / Exc...
The official Pokémon website has announced that Pokémon UNITE Battle Pass 5 ins now available.
Players can gain access to Frontier Style Zeraora when they complete the "New Sheriff in Town" Battle Pass!
Pokémon UNITE Battle Pass 5, Featuring New Holowear and Trainer Fashion Items, Available January 31
Throw on your finest cowboy hat, and mosey on over to Pokémon UNITE for a rootin’-tootin’ good time.
Saddle up for the next Pokémon UNITE battle pass—titled New Sheriff in Town—available January 31. In addition to the regular rewards earned through battling, the new premium pass lets players access exciting log-in bonuses as well as wondrous Wild West–themed rewards, including Trainer fashion items and Pokémon Holowear.
The first phase of log-in bonuses runs from January 31 to February 13. During this time, you can collect silver badges and exchange them for items, and western-themed Holowear for Machamp will be available as a special reward for collecting 500 silver badges. The second phase of log-in bonuses will run from February 28 to March 14, during which you can collect gold badges. Western-themed Trainer fashion items will be available as a special reward for collecting 500 gold badges.
You can also be deputized for a special assignment—Berry Picking with Greedent—from January 31 to February 20, during which you can earn rewards for helping the Greedy Pokémon gather Berries. Each day, players will receive four random daily missions to complete. Every completed mission will award 20 Aeos coins, as well as Berries that can be used to unlock rewards, such as fun Trainer fashion items.
A Pokémon UNITE battle pass offers 90 levels, with unique missions and corresponding rewards available at each level. Complete up to three missions per day to obtain battle pass points, and complete weekly and seasonal missions to unlock new rewards. Players can exchange Aeos gems for a premium pass, providing them with additional rewards, such as rare Holowear, when their battle pass level increases. And a premium pass plus automatically increases a player's battle pass level by 10.