Posted by:
sksrobb on 02 Jun 2009 19:21:14 (No.
Thank you very much for your support! I hope everyone enjoyed the interview and the BGM! A full transcript of the interview is available on my website at
I hope to have audio excerpts of the interview up and running soon as well.
For those of you that may have missed the broadcast, I hope to re-air the show again in its entirety in the future.
Also for those of you interested in the special BGM that was played (which included the piece that was in the Japanese version of Pokémon Advanced Generation episode 1 in which Ash climbs a mountain while carrying a sickly Pikachu)—I will re-air the special BGM along with interview highlights this weekend (6/6 at 9PM EDT)
Finally, thank you again to those who had questions, comments, etc. – anyone who has messages for Mr. Miyazaki, feel free to email me so I can forward them.