This game is called Pokémon Link: Battle in Europe and will go on sale March 13th, 2014. The game is called Pokémon Battle Trozei in North America and will go on sale March 20th, 2014.
The Pokémon that appears on the top screen of the Nintendo 3DS/2DS is the wild Pokémon that players are currently facing in battle. Players make matches of the same Pokémon by lining three of them in a row and to attack and reduce the HP of the wild Pokémon that they are facing. When the wild Pokémon's HP reaches zero, the player will be able to Trozei that Pokémon,
During the game, the wild Pokémon will also attack the player and the Trozei Box will lose some of its energy. If the Trozei Box’s energy reaches zero, it’s game over.
The game takes advantage of the StreetPass function to allow players to exchange play data, share a players favorite Pokémon and to receive Pokémon to become the players ally.