Home / News Articles / Pokémon Kids TV - POKÉTOON Series

The YouTube channel Pokémon Kids TV is planning to release animations featuring various Pokémon as part of the "POKÉTOON" series. In addition to "The Yancham who wants to be a hero" which is now available, animations of various genres will be released in the future, so look forward to it!

POKÉTOON Episodes:

Wait here, Koiking! (まっててね!コイキング)
A Budding Dream (ユメノツボミ)
The Yancham who wants to be a hero (ヒーローになりたいヤンチャム)
I've turned into a Gangar!? (ゲンガーになっちやった!?)
Nice and Warm Magmag House (ぽかぽかマグマッグハウス)

Source: https://twitter.com/Pokemon_cojp/status/1391588833335119877

YouTube Clip - POKÉTOON - A Budding Dream

Original Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms_y5o8hMFM

YouTube Clip - POKÉTOON - The Yancham who wants to be a hero

Original Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKSDGz9iAgU

YouTube Clip - POKÉTOON - Wait here, Koiking!

Original Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H81MSo_3DqA
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