Home / Content DB / Pokémon Legends: Arceus (Pokémon LEGENDS アルセウス)

Game Details:

Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo / The Pokémon Company
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date(s): January 28th, 2022 (Worldwide)
Mode(s): Single Player
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), ESRB: E (USA), PEGI: 7
Controller(s): Joy-Cons
Extra Contents: ARCEUS Main Page, Patches, Pre-Order Gifts


Pokémon Legends: Arceus is an 8th Generation game taking place in the Hisui region, also known as the Sinnoh region, but long before Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. The game was revealed during the Pokémon Presents on Friday, February 26th, 2021 at 7:00 a.m. PDT.


The fun of exploring while catching Pokémon and filling in a Pokédex has always been a core part of the Pokémon video game series. Pokémon Legends: Arceus was developed with the desire to deliver an experience infused with new action and RPG elements that go beyond the framework established thus far, while honoring the core gameplay of past Pokémon titles.


As Trainers explore the natural expanses in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, they’ll encounter Pokémon that call these grand vistas home. To catch wild Pokémon, players can study the Pokémon’s behaviours, sneak up to them, then throw Poké Balls. Players can also battle wild Pokémon with their ally Pokémon. By throwing the Poké Ball holding their ally Pokémon near a wild Pokémon, players will seamlessly enter battle. This new gameplay angle is intended to provide Trainers with an immersive experience.


Pokémon Legends: Arceus brings Trainers to the vast Sinnoh region as it existed in the past, long before the setting for Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl was established. Rich in nature and with Mount Coronet towering at its heart, this is a Sinnoh unlike anything Trainers have experienced before as they embark to create the region’s first Pokédex.

As they start off on their adventure, Trainers will be able to choose either Rowlet, Cyndaquil, or Oshawott as their first partner Pokémon. These three Pokémon arrived with a Pokémon Professor, who encountered them on research excursions to various regions.

Category: Grass Quill Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m
Weight: 1.5 kg
Type: Grass/Flying

This Pokémon from the Alola region uses photosynthesis to store up energy during the day and becomes active at night. It can silently glide to its target and begin pelting it with vicious kicks.

Category: Fire Mouse Pokémon
Height: 0.5 m
Weight: 7.9 kg
Type: Fire

Cyndaquil, a timid Pokémon that is often curled up in a ball, is from the Johto region. The flames on its back flare up when it’s surprised and can also be used to protect itself when attacked.


Category: Sea Otter Pokémon
Height: 0.5 m
Weight: 5.9 kg
Type: Water

Oshawott is from the Unova region and has a scalchop on its stomach. It uses the scalchop to retaliate against attacks and to break open hard Berries.


Category: Alpha Pokémon
Height: 3.2 m
Weight: 320 kg
Type: Normal

Arceus is said to have shaped all there is in this world.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus takes Trainers on an adventure through the Sinnoh region of the past—before it was even called Sinnoh. Many years ago, the land was called the Hisui region, and it was rare for humans and Pokémon to live in close harmony.

As a member of the Galaxy Expedition Team, players will visit Jubilife Village, a bustling settlement that serves as a base of operations. After receiving an assignment or a request, Trainers will set out from the village to study one of the various areas of the Hisui region. After they finish their survey work, Trainers return to Jubilife Village to prepare for their next task. Whenever Trainers leave Jubilife Village to set out on an excursion, their first stop will be one of the base camps that will serve as an outpost for their work. These base camps are more than just starting points—Trainers can stop for a rest during an excursion, letting their team of Pokémon recover their health, or use a base camp’s workbench to craft items.


As Trainers progress toward completing the Pokédex and increase in rank as a member of the Galaxy Team, they will meet interesting characters and encounter unique Pokémon living in the Hisui region.


Category: Big Horn Pokémon
Height: 5′11″
Weight: 209.7 lbs.
Type: Normal/Psychic

In the Hisui region, Stantler can evolve into Wyrdeer. Using the black orbs at the bases of its antlers, this Pokémon generates and unleashes psychic energy powerful enough to distort space.


Category: Big Fish Pokémon
Height: 9ʹ10″
Weight: 242.5 lbs.
Type: Water/Ghost

Basculin in the Hisui region evolve into Basculegion when they are possessed by the souls of other Basculin from their school that could not withstand the harsh journey upstream. Their propulsive power is bolstered by the souls possessing them, letting them swim without tiring.


Hisuian Braviary
Category: Battle Cry Pokémon
Height: 5′7″
Weight: 95.7 lbs.
Type: Psychic/Flying

When Rufflet in the Hisui region evolve, they become Hisuian Braviary. Hisuian Braviary can imbue its eerie screeches with psychic power to generate powerful shock waves. It can also use its psychic power to sharpen its sixth sense, entering a trance that boosts its physical abilities.


Hisuian Growlithe
Category: Scout Pokémon
Height: 2′7″
Weight: 50 lbs.
Type: Fire/Rock

This is Growlithe as it appears in the Hisui region. Hisuian Growlithe has longer, more voluminous fur than the previously discovered form of Growlithe. Highly vigilant, they tend to be seen watching over their territory in pairs.


Professor Laventon: As a member of the Galaxy Team’s Survey Corps, Professor Laventon conducts research into Pokémon’s modes of life. He aims to create a complete Pokédex.


Commander Kamado: Commander Kamado, the boss of the Galaxy Team, can be a harsh leader at times, but the team members trust him deeply and know him to be reliable.


Captain Cyllene: Captain Cyllene is the leader of the Galaxy Team’s Survey Corps. She is strict both with others and with herself, but she sees your potential and allows you to take a trial to join the Galaxy Team.

Arc Phone:


Early on in the adventure, players will get a device called the Arc Phone. Its distinctive appearance might lead one to suspect it has some connection to the Mythical Pokémon Arceus. This device seems to contain some sort of strange power, and it will apparently help guide players on their journey.

Special Pokémon with mysterious power

During their expeditions, players may run into Pokémon that are larger than normal and have glowing red eyes. These are known as alpha Pokémon. They’re stronger than their regular counterparts, and they’ll be quite aggressive in chasing and attacking players that stray too close.

There are also special Pokémon in the Hisui region that have received some kind of mysterious blessing. Some of these Pokémon are particularly powerful and have come to be known as nobles, while others are said to willingly assist the people of the region. Each one of these Pokémon seems to hold power not held by regular Pokémon. People known as wardens are tasked with looking after these Pokémon by performing duties such as making sure the nobles’ territories remain unviolated or providing offerings of food and water.​

These Pokémon nobles are revered by the people of the region, but some strange phenomenon is now causing them to suddenly fly into a frenzy. The cause of these incidents is still shrouded in mystery. Once frenzied, these Pokémon are incredibly difficult to rein in, which forces the people of Hisui to turn to the Galaxy Expedition Team for help. As part of the Survey Corps, you will be called upon to quell the frenzies of the nobles.


Category: Axe Pokémon
Height: 5ʹ11″
Weight: 196.2 lbs.
Type: Bug/Rock

Special minerals found in the Hisui region cause Scyther to evolve into this Pokémon. Parts of its body have hardened into stone. The stone parts often get chipped during fierce battles, and Kleavor that have survived many battles will display larger chipping across their bodies. It is said that the people of Hisui once used pieces of stone that had fallen from Kleavor to craft tools.

Race across sprawling untamed landscapes while riding Pokémon

During their adventures, players will receive a Celestica Flute. This is a mysterious instrument that has been passed down through generations of Hisui’s people. Play the flute anywhere to summon special Pokémon that will let you ride them. Riding these Pokémon will allow players to move faster on land or cross bodies of water or even soar through the skies.

  • Wyrdeer​: Wyrdeer has powerful, sturdy legs, and riding upon it will allow players to gallop across the land at great speed and jump to leap over obstacles.
  • Basculegion​: Basculegion can carry players on its back, allowing for travel across bodies of water. Basculegion is also able to launch itself from the water’s surface, letting players leap effortlessly over obstacles in their way.
  • Hisuian Braviary: Hisuian Braviary will let players soar through the skies. From up in the air, players will also be able to get a good look at what kinds of Pokémon live down below and what kinds of items might be found.

Check out the facilities of your home base, Jubilife Village Players can prepare for their survey work at Jubilife Village, and there are also facilities that can help make the adventure even more fun.[3]
  • The clothier and hairdresser: Players can mix up outfits and hairstyles at the clothier and the hairdresser to choose their look.
  • The photography studio: Players can take pictures alongside their Pokémon at the photography studio.
  • The general store and craftworks: If players used up their items on a previous excursion, they can replenish their supplies at the general store. They can also use in-game currency to buy new crafting recipes and materials from the craftworks.
  • The pastures: The pastures are where players can leave Pokémon that have been caught. Many Pokémon will need to be caught to complete the Pokédex, but only six Pokémon can be taken along in a party. Players will want to choose the right Pokémon for each mission before heading out on surveys. At any of the various base camps, players can change which Pokémon they have in the party or send Pokémon to the pastures.

Hisui Region’s Two Clans: The Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan


The Hisui Region’s Two Clans: The Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan In addition to being home to the Galaxy Expedition Team, two other groups reside in the Hisui region: the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan.

The people of the Diamond Clan often speak of the importance of cherishing the present and living in the moment with one’s allies. On the other hand, members of the Pearl Clan frequently advocate the importance of valuing the vast, spacious land shared with others.​

Although the Diamond Clan and Pearl Clan disagree on many of their beliefs, they seem to nevertheless share many similarities. Both clans don clothing designed to resemble certain Pokémon, and both pay respects to special Pokémon they call lords and ladies—or collectively, noble Pokémon.​ Moreover, both clans have wardens who serve these special Pokémon.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus Box Art

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, the Pokémon series takes a bold new direction, fusing action with RPG elements. The game takes place in the Sinnoh region of the past, long before the events of Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version. As the game’s protagonist, the player will set out to create and complete the region’s first Pokédex by catching, surveying, and researching the wild Pokémon that live there.​

Image Image


The cover art depicts Mount Coronet towering over the expanse of a bygone Sinnoh region—the setting for the story in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

The Young Leaders in Charge of the Diamond and Pearl Clans​


Adaman serves as the leader of the Diamond Clan and has Leafeon as his partner Pokémon.​ This daring young man hates to see time go to waste and likes to rush forward without worrying too much about particulars. ​


Irida serves as the leader of the Pearl Clan, and her partner Pokémon is Glaceon.​ As a leader, she feels it is important to have the courage to face the vast Hisui region. Though she is suspicious when first meeting people, she will slowly come to trust the player thanks to the help they provide in quelling the noble Pokémon.​

Introducing the Ginkgo Guild Merchants
​A group of merchants known as the Ginkgo Guild also operates in the Hisui region. Not native to Hisui, members of the Ginkgo Guild travel around the various locations of the region, selling the wares they have gathered.​

Add the Mythical Pokémon Darkrai to Your Team in Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Players with play records from the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl games will be able to take on a research request in Pokémon Legends: Arceus that will lead to an encounter with the Mythical Pokémon Darkrai. They will also be able to claim the Modern Team Galactic Set.[2]


It’s said this Pokémon is active during nights of the new moon and that it can lull people to sleep and make them have nightmares.​

Category: Pitch-Black Pokémon
Type: Dark
Height: 4' 11'' (1.5m)
Weight: 111.3 lbs. (50.5 kg)

YouTube Clip - New faces from the Hisui Region | Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lAN9yMnfrQ

Hisuian Voltorb

On December 10th, 2021, The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo officially introduced a newly discovered Pokémon, the Hisuian form of Voltorb, in an all-new trailer on the official Pokémon YouTube channel.

A Striking Resemblance to Poké Balls in Hisui
This enigmatic Pokémon has a glossy, spherical body. With the wood-grain-like makeup of its body's surface and the hole on the top of its head, it looks very similar to the Poké Balls of the Hisui region. There seem to be countless seeds packed inside Hisuian Voltorb. Occasionally, it spouts these seeds out of the hole in its head. However, no one knows exactly what it’s like inside the Pokémon’s body, because inside the hole, it’s pitch-dark.


Category: Sphere Pokémon
Type: Electric/Grass
Height: 1'8" (0.5 m)
Weight: 28.7 lbs. (13 kg)

Instant Electrical Discharges
This Pokémon is always in high spirits and has a friendly personality. However, it can discharge stored electricity all at once and it frequently shocks humans and Pokémon in its vicinity. Even the slightest provocation can set this Pokémon off, so in human settlements, Hisuian Voltorb is considered a nuisance. Tales of people temporarily plugging the hole on Hisuian Voltorb’s head and kicking it out of settlements are not entirely uncommon.


Hisuian Voltorb looks very similar to the Poké Balls of the Hisui region. This Pokémon is always in high spirits and has a friendly personality. However, it discharges its stored electricity when it gets excited, so it frequently shocks nearby humans and Pokémon.

YouTube Clip - Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Hisuian Voltorb’s shocking debut!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6-SDCGZglI

Hisuian Voltorb is berry excited

It’s said that Hisuian Voltorb has a friendly personality...but it frequently shocks nearby Pokémon when it gets excited. See what happens when Hisuian Voltorb gets carried away!

YouTube Clip - Hisuian Voltorb is berry excited

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU2rRvF4t7g

Introducing the Newly Discovered Hisuian Forms of Zorua and Zoroark


Hisuian Zorua
Category: Spiteful Fox Pokémon
Type: Normal/Ghost
Height: 2'4" (0.7 m)
Weight: 27.6 lbs. (12.5 kg)

Reborn as a Ghost-Type Using the Power of Spite
These Zorua migrated to the Hisui region after being driven from other lands by humans, who shunned the Pokémon for manifesting uncanny illusions. But the Zorua perished, unable to survive the harsh Hisuian environment and strife with other Pokémon. Their lingering souls were reborn in this Ghost-type form through the power of their malice toward humans and Pokémon.

Disguising Themselves and Feeding on Targets’ Terror
If Hisuian Zorua spot a lone person or Pokémon, the Zorua may appear before them in a guise mimicking the target’s appearance. Unlike the illusions of the previously discovered form of Zorua, these ghostly mimicries are created using spiteful power emitted from the long fur on Hisuian Zorua’s head, around its neck, and on its tail.


Hisuian Zoroark
Category: Baneful Fox Pokémon
Type: Normal/Ghost
Height: 5'3" (1.6 m)
Weight: 160.9 lbs. (73 kg)

Cursed Illusions Erupt Forth from Its Voluminous Coat
The spiteful power emitted from Hisuian Zoroark’s long, writhing fur projects terrifying illusions—and can also inflict physical harm upon foes, damaging their bodies from both inside and out. And the illusions that Zoroark projects have expressions of such utter malice toward every last thing upon this world that those who see them are said to be driven mad by the terror.

A Pokémon with an Unexpected Soft Side
Hisuian Zoroark is ferociously hostile and aggressive toward people and other Pokémon. But it appears to have a compassionate streak for those it considers close or like family.

[1] The Platinum Style outfit will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up through Monday, February 21, 2022. Players can change their outfit at Metronome Style Shop in Veilstone City. It takes approximately two hours of play time before players are able to access the Mystery Gift feature. An internet connection is required to receive the Platinum Style outfit. A Nintendo Switch Online membership (paid separately) is NOT required.

A Manaphy Egg will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up through Monday, February 21, 2022. By putting the Egg into your party and carrying it around on your adventure through the Sinnoh region, you’ll be able to hatch the Egg and gain Manaphy as a companion. It takes approximately two hours of play time before players are able to access the Mystery Gift feature. An internet connection is required to receive the Manaphy Egg. A Nintendo Switch Online membership (paid separately) is NOT required.

If you download Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl from Nintendo eShop by Monday, February 21, 2022, you’ll receive a code that can be redeemed for 12 Quick Balls. The code will be available from Friday, November 19, 2021, until Monday, February 21, 2022. The code will be valid through Monday, February 28, 2022.

A Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl Double Pack will be released, containing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl as a set. Two codes that can each be redeemed for 100 Poké Balls in-game will be given as gifts with the purchase of this product.

[2] The Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up until Monday, May 9, 2022. Players will need to connect their Nintendo Switch system to the internet to claim Mystery Gifts. The user profile on the system will need to be linked to a Nintendo Account in order to connect to the internet. (This does not require a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership.) It takes approximately two hours of play time before the Mystery Gift feature is unlocked.

[3] The Baneful Fox Mask will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up until Monday, May 9, 2022. Players will need to connect their Nintendo Switch system to the internet to claim Mystery Gifts. The user profile on the system will need to be linked to a Nintendo Account in order to connect to the internet. (This does not require a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership.) It takes approximately two hours of play time before the Mystery Gift feature is unlocked.

YouTube Clip - Introducing the Hisuian forms of Zorua and Zoroark!​ | Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDqoe6_WnOY

Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Special Bonuses


Catch the Mythical Pokémon Shaymin (Land Forme)
If you have play records from the Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield game, you’ll be able to take on a research request in Pokémon Legends: Arceus in which you’ll have a chance to add the Mythical Pokémon Shaymin (Land Forme) to your team.

This research request will be available for you to accept in Jubilife Village after viewing the game’s end credits.


Shaymin Kimono Set
You’ll also be able to claim the Shaymin Kimono Set. You can claim this in-game outfit by speaking to the clothier after joining the Galaxy Expedition Team. (It takes approximately one hour of play time to reach the point where this option is available.)


Get Pikachu- and Eevee-Themed Masks
If you have play records from either the Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! game, you’ll be able to claim both the Pikachu Mask and the Eevee Mask in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

You can claim these masks by speaking to the clothier after joining the Galaxy Expedition Team. (It takes approximately one hour of play time to reach the point where this option is available.)

Source: https://legends.pokemon.com/en-us/shop/bonus-3/


  • Study Pokémon behaviors, sneak up on them, and toss a well-aimed Poké Ball to catch them
  • Unleash moves in the speedy agile style or the powerful strong style in battles
  • Travel to the Hisui region—the Sinnoh of old—and build the region’s first Pokédex
  • Learn about the Mythical Pokémon Arceus, the key to this mysterious tale


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Last updated 27 Mar 2022 14:56 by Sunain.
Revision #6
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