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Contact Us - PocketMonsters.net

PocketMonsters.net is managed by a lot of people working on the different sections of the website. For general inquiries about the site, to report errors on the site or submit news for the site, feel free to contact any of the staff below.

We are also not looking for any unsolicited ad or SEO companies to assist us with increasing revenue or visitors. Companies contacting us about ad placements or increasing our search results will go unanswered.

Do not message staff members for things that are against the site rules. We will not reply and your account will be deleted.

Staff Member Position E-mail
JDS Lead Programmer & General Website Upkeep [email protected]
Sunain Webmaster & General Website Maintenance [email protected]
Adamant Op & General Website Maintenance [email protected]
TSS_Killer Admin & Head of Media Operations [email protected]

This page has been viewed 112441 times.
Last updated 02 Nov 2016 22:51 by Sunain.
Revision #47
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