Home / Content DB / Pokémon Legends: Arceus Pre-order Gifts

Game Details:

Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo / The Pokémon Company
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date(s): January 28th, 2022 (Worldwide)
Mode(s): Single Player
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), ESRB: E (USA), PEGI: 7
Controller(s): Joy-Cons
Extra Contents: ARCEUS Main Page, Patches, Pre-Order Gifts

Pokémon Legends: Arceus Pre-order Gifts

Pre-orders for Pokémon Legends: Arceus were available on the Nintendo eShop starting on Wednesday, August 18, 2021. As an early-purchase bonus, Trainers were be able to obtain an in-game outfit based on Hisuian Growlithe.


The Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set will be gifted to those who preorder Pokémon Legends: Arceus. You can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gifts feature in your game, up until May 9, 2022. Then you can dress yourself up in this fashionable getup as you enjoy your adventures in the Hisui region!

It takes approximately two hours of play time before the Mystery Gifts feature is unlocked. You will need an internet connection to claim this preorder bonus, but you will not need a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership.


Those that pre-orders the Japanese version of the game at Pokémon Centers, Pokémon Stores, and the Pokémon Centers Online in Japan starting on August 19th, 2021 will receive an A5-size Pokémon Center original art book titled Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus ART Bookk as a bonus! The cover is drawn by Game Freak, the developer of Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus! If you pre-order the game at the Pokémon Center, the book will be delivered to you free of charge. Pre-orders for delivery at the store will be accepted until January 9th, 2022.

Source: https://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2021/08/210818_p01.html

Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus Nintendo UK Pre-order Gifts - SteelBook and Arceus figurine


Pokémon Legends: Arceus comes to Nintendo Switch on 28th January. Pre-order now on My Nintendo Store and receive a free SteelBook® and Arceus figurine! All bonus items are limited and strictly subject to availability.

Source: https://store.nintendo.co.uk/en_gb/pokemon-legends-arceus.html

Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus Gamestop Canada Exclusive

Receive a Hisui region map when you pre-order and purchase the Pokémon Legends: Arceus game.
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Source: https://twitter.com/gamestopcanada/status/1458238029685039105?s=21

Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus Ga-Olé Disc and Arceus TCG Card Taiwan and Hong Kong


As a special offer for purchasing Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus, players will receive a special Arceus Ga-Olé disk and Arceus V Pokémon Trading Card when purchased at select stores. Please look forward to the announcement of which stores you can get them from. Pokémon Ga-Olé is expected to be available in Hong Kong in the fall of 2021, and the release date is subject to change due to various uncertainties.

Sources: https://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/legends_arceus/tc/lineup/210818_2l_01/ and https://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/legends_arceus/tc/lineup/210818_03/

Target - Free Art Portofolio / Stationery Set with Purchase

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In the weekly flyer ad for the week of January 24th, 2022, Target revealed that they would distribute a Free Art Portofolio with the purchase of Pokémon Legends Arceus. On February 28th, 2022, they also tweeted the following:

Travel to the majestic Hisui region, the Sinnoh of old, & build the region’s 1st Pokédex in the Pokémon Legends: Arceus game! Purchase in store & get an exclusive stationery set for free while supplies last.

Source: https://weeklyad.target.com/promotions?code=Target-20220123&page=D

Pokémon Center UK - Arceus Sitting Cuties Plush

On release day, January 28th, 2022, the official UK Pokémon News Twitter announced that 1000 copies of the game with an Arceus Sitting Cuties Plush were available to purchase.


Happy Pokémon Legends Arceus release day Trainers! Get a bonus gift of an Arceus Sitting Cuties Plush when you purchase Pokémon Legends: Arceus from Pokémon Center UK:
*UK, age 7+ only. 1 purchase pp. 1 gift plush pp. Only 1000 gift plush available.

Pokémon Legends Arceus Pre-order Bonuses France - Micromania

Those that pre-ordered Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus from Micromania in France could receive a special Carchacrok Outfit in-game and a physical Arceus figure.

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Pokémon Legend: Arceus Pre-order Gifts Amazon UK


Players that pre-order Pokémon Legend: Arceus from Amazon UK will receive:
1 of Pokémon Legends Arceus Ball Cartridge (Nintendo Switch)
1 of Pokémon Legends Arceus Steelbook (Nintendo Switch)

Source: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pokemon-Legends-Nintendo-Steelbook-Cartridge/dp/B09GGR6SBS

Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Singapore/East Asia - Folding Fan Pre-order Gift

The Nintendo Official Store on Shoppe Mall in Singapore is offering a folding fan as an purchase bonus to those that pre-order Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Other participating stores such as GameXtreme are also distributing this gift in East Asia.



Early Purchase Bonus for "Pokémon Legends: Arceus" revealed!

Players who purchase "Pokémon Legends: Arceus" will receive a folding fan as an purchase bonus!

The folding fan has a large illustration of Arceus, the mythical Pokémon that is key to the adventure in the Hisui region. On the left are Pikachu with Rowlet, Oshawott, and Cyndaquil, the First Partner Pokémon in the Hisui region! It makes a cool room decor too! Get this memorable item that resembles the Hisui adventure!

※ Photographs are for illustrative purposes only. The actual product may differ in color and design, depending on the color reproduction on your computer or mobile device.
※ Quantity of products is available on a first-come-first-serve basis. In the event the item is out of stock, we apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.

Source: https://sg.portal-pokemon.com/topics/game/211126150000_early_purchase_bonus_for_pokemon_legends_arceus_revealed.html

Pokémon Center Singapore and Pokémon Store Shopee Singapore - Pokémon Legend: Arceus Pre-order ART Book


Get ready to encounter and battle Pokémon in the Hisui region of Pokémon™ Legend: Arceus! Survey, catch, and research wild Pokémon in a long-gone era of Sinnoh to complete the region’s first Pokédex. Preorders are now open at Pokémon Center Singapore and Pokémon Store Shopee Singapore!

New Pokémon Nintendo Game Pre order:
■ Pokémon™ Legends: Arceus - MSRP S$89.00
- Free Gift: Pokémon Center Original Premium ART Book *while stocks last
・Pokémon™ Legends: Arceus ART Book
Pokémon™ Legends: Arceus A5-size ART Book cover is illustrated by GAME FREAK. Visual contents of the ART book will be announced in a later date, so stay tuned for future updates!
- Receive Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set when you preorder Pokémon™ Legends: Arceus.

The Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set will be gifted to those who preorder Pokémon Legends: Arceus. You can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gifts feature in your game, up until 9th May 2022. Then you can dress yourself up in this fashionable getup as you enjoy your adventures in the Hisui region! It takes approximately two hours of play time before the Mystery Gifts feature is unlocked. You will need an internet connection to claim this preorder bonus, but you will not need a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/Pokemon.official.Singapore/posts/2972484476411795

Japanese Pre-order Gifts

Pre-orders for Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus will be accepted at game retailers nationwide in Japan starting on August 19th, 2021, and the pre-order bonus items vary from store. Those who purchase the game at participating stores will receive different items at each store!

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Animate Full Color Towel | Amazon.co.jp Kimono Set Gablias
アニメイト フルカラータオル | Amazon.co.jp 着物セット ガブリアス

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AEON / AEON Style / AEON Super Center Stainless Steel Tumblers | Ito-Yokado Aurora Glass
イオン/イオンスタイル/イオンスーパーセンター(ゲーム取扱店)ステンレスタンブラー| イトーヨーカドー(ゲーム取扱店) オーロラグラス

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EDION Group Blanket | GEO Rubber key chains
エディオングループ(ゲーム取扱店)ブランケット | ゲオ(ゲーム取扱店)ラバーキーホルダー

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Joshin Note Books | 7Net Shopping Mini Deck Case
ジョーシン ノートブック | セブンネットショッピング ミニデッキケース

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TSUTAYA Zipper bag | Nojima / Nojima Online Lanyard Strap
全国のGame TSUTAYA加盟店 ジッパーバッグ | ノジマ(ゲーム取扱店)/ノジマオンライン ネックストラップ

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Bic Camera / Sofmap / Kojima Acrylic photo stand | FamilyMart Cell Phone Grip & Stand
ビックカメラ/ソフマップ/コジマ(それぞれのゲーム取扱店のみ)アクリルフォトスタンド | ファミリーマート スマホグリップ&スタンド

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furu1 / Book Square A4 Clear File | Mr Max Sticker Sheet
古本市場/ブック・スクウェア A4クリアファイル | ミスターマックス ステッカーシート

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Yamada Holdings Teacup | UNY / APITA PIAGO Sticky notes
ヤマダホールディングス(ゲーム取扱店) お茶碗 | ユニー/アピタ・ピアゴ 付箋

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Yodobashi Camera Mask Case | UNY / Rakuten Books Pouch
ヨドバシカメラ マスクケース | 楽天ブックス ポーチ

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Loppi / HMV Tapestry Poster | WonderGOO Lunch Cloth
Loppi/HMV 手ぬぐいポスター | WonderGOO ランチクロス

Source: https://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/legends_arceus/ja/lineup/210818_05/
This page has been viewed 3702 times.
Last updated 27 Mar 2022 16:29 by Sunain.
Revision #3
Page Tags: Pre-Order Pokémon Legends: Arceus