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Google Maps: Pokémon Challenge Dex

From March 31st, 2014 until April 2nd, 2014 at 2PM PST, Google Maps for Apple iOS and Android allowed users to view the world map with Pokémon. Dozens of wild Pokémon took up residence on streets, amidst forests and atop mountains throughout Google Maps. Not all the locations are listed below but all the major places that they could be found.


Special Prize

Google announced they would send out a prize to those that captured all 151 Pokémon on Google Maps: Pokémon Challenge. Those that commented on the Google Map #PokemonChallenge thread and indicated where they found the 150th (or 151st) Pokémon by 12am on April 21st, 2014 were eligible for the surprise gift. Google sent messages to users that completed the Dex with a link to register for the gift. Players received personalized Pokémon Master business cards.


Google Maps Dex Index

# Sprite Pokémon Locations
#001 Bulbasaur Googleplex, Kalalau Beach, Trou aux Cerfs Volcano
#002 Pokemon Ivysaur Japanese Tea Garden
#003 Pokemon Venusaur Alberta Legislature Building, Muir Woods, Parque Nacional dos Campos
#004 Pokemon Charmander Hiroshima, Sydney Observatory
#005 Pokemon Charmeleon London Fire Brigade Museum, Galapagos Islands, Mount Shasta
#006 Pokemon Charizard Mt. Yasur, Old Faithful, Trou aux Cerfs
#007 Pokemon Squirtle Pokémon Center Tokyo, Rialto Bridge
#008 Pokemon Wartortle Trevi Fountain
#009 Pokemon Blastoise South Plaza Island - Galapagos Islands
#010 Pokemon Pidgey CN Tower
#011 Pokemon Pikachu Tokyo Tower, Akihabara, CERN
#012 Pokemon Raichu CERN
#013 Pokemon Jigglypuff Yamanote Line
#014 Pokemon Meowth Yamanote Line, Camp Randall Stadium
#015 Pokemon Psyduck Seattle Aquarium
#016 Pokemon Gengar Area 51 Roswell, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
#017 Pokemon Gyarados Tel Aviv Marina
#018 Pokemon Lapras Nile River near Cairo, Lake Mendota
#019 Pokemon Eevee Yankee Stadium, Øresund Bridge
#020 Pokemon Vaporeon Palm Jumeirah, Lake Michigan
#021 Pokemon Jolteon Nagasaki, Staples Center
#022 Pokemon Flareon The Crucible
#023 Pokemon Porygon Taipei 101, Copacabana
#024 Pokemon Snorlax Vatican City, I280 South
#025 Pokemon Dragonite Loch Ness, The Pokémon Company - Bellevue, Sagrada Família, Googleplex
#026 Pokemon Chikorita Bedwell Bayfront Park
#027 Pokemon Bayleef CERN, Hermann Park
#028 Pokemon Meganium White House
#029 Pokemon Cyndaquil Pico Island, East Mt. Ontake
#030 Pokemon Quilava Mt. Fuji
#031 Pokemon Typhlosion Krakatoa
#032 Pokemon Totodile Hoover Dam
#033 Pokemon Croconaw Lake Lagunita
#034 Pokemon Feraligatr Keeling Islands
#035 Pokemon Hoothoot JFK Airport
#036 Pokemon Pichu CERN
#037 Pokemon Togepi Sagrada Família, Nanboko Line
#038 Pokemon Ampharos CERN
#039 Pokemon Marill Crater Lake
#040 Pokemon Sudowoodo Easter Island
#041 Pokemon Espeon CERN
#042 Pokemon Umbreon Amazon Theatre
#043 Pokemon Unown Area 51 Roswell, The Pentagon
#044 Pokemon Wobbuffet Area 51 Roswell
#045 Pokemon Steelix Birmingham Museum of Art (Statue The Steelworker)
#046 Pokemon Scizor University of Texas at Austin
#047 Pokemon Heracross Galapagos Islands
#048 Pokemon Donphan Odaiba Gundam Statue, Giza Necropolis, The Alamo, Cristo Redentor
#049 Pokemon Miltank Arc de Triomphe
#050 Pokemon Tyranitar Mount McKinley, Pompeii
#051 Pokemon Treecko Palma de Mallorca, Gas Works Park
#052 Pokemon Grovyle Meguro Station, Washington Park Arboretum
#053 Pokemon Sceptile Cocos Island
#054 Pokemon Torchic Mt. Vesuvius
#055 Pokemon Combusken Pacaya
#056 Pokemon Blaziken Mt. Etna
#057 Pokemon Mudkip Rozelle Bay
#058 Pokemon Marshtomp Adachi River, Arakawa River
#059 Pokemon Swampert CERN, Sydney Park
#060 Pokemon Beautifly Henry W Seale Park
#061 Pokemon Lotad River Lagan
#062 Pokemon Taillow Newark Airport
#063 Pokemon Kirlia Eiffel Tower, Area 51 Roswell
#064 Pokemon Sableye Disney World
#065 Pokemon Mawile Versailles
#066 Pokemon Aggron Fort Mason
#067 Pokemon Plusle Australian Technology Park
#068 Pokemon Minun Tokyo SkyTree
#069 Pokemon Wailord TV Tokyo HQ
#070 Pokemon Milotic Galapagos Islands
#071 Pokemon Kecleon Cook County Jail
#072 Pokemon Banette Galapagos Islands
#073 Pokemon Absol Asakusa Kannon Onsen
#074 Pokemon Salamence Google NY, Neuschwanstein Castle, Cardiff Bay
#075 Pokemon Metagross CERN, Googleplex, Buckingham Palace
#076 Pokemon Turtwig Black Forest
#077 Pokemon Grotle Kasai Rinkai Park
#078 Pokemon Torterra Victoria Park
#079 Pokemon Chimchar Mount Kilimanjaro
#080 Pokemon Monferno Mount Elbrus
#081 Pokemon Infernape Odaiba Gundam Statue
#082 Pokemon Piplup South Basin
#083 Pokemon Prinplup Galapagos Islands
#084 Pokemon Empoleon Sutro Baths
#085 Pokemon Staraptor Boeing Everett Factory, Golden Gate Bridge
#086 Pokemon Luxray Googleplex
#087 Pokemon Combee Parliament of New South Wales, University of Illinois
#088 Pokemon Pachirisu Googleplex, Facebook HQ
#089 Pokemon Buizel Cal Anderson Park
#090 Pokemon Buneary Statue of Liberty, Tower Bridge
#091 Pokemon Chatot Sydney Opera House, Angel Falls
#092 Pokemon Spiritomb Paris Catacombes, Exploratorium
#093 Pokemon Garchomp Great Wall of China
#094 Pokemon Munchlax Empire State Building
#095 Pokemon Lucario NYSE, Shibuya Station
#096 Pokemon Croagunk CERN
#097 Pokemon Leafeon Setagaya Park
#098 Pokemon Glaceon Mt. Everest
#099 Pokemon Mamoswine Whistler Mountain
#100 Pokemon Rotom Nintendo World
#101 Pokemon Snivy Rockefeller Museum
#102 Pokemon Servine Royal Observatory
#103 Pokemon Serperior Central Park, Everglades National Park
#104 Pokemon Tepig Arenal
#105 Pokemon Pignite Meteor Crater
#106 Pokemon Emboar Odessa Meteor Crater
#107 Pokemon Oshawott Googleplex
#108 Pokemon Dewott Googleplex, Niagara Falls
#109 Pokemon Samurott Sydney Observatory
#110 Pokemon Munna Area 51 Roswell
#111 Pokemon Pidove Dakhla
#112 Pokemon Audino Ministry of Defense, Whitehall, UK
#113 Pokemon Scraggy Alcatraz Island
#114 Pokemon Cofagrigus Bran Castle
#115 Pokemon Zoroark Tulum, Galapagos Islands, Santa Fe Island
#116 Pokemon Minccino St-Gervais-et-St-Protais
#117 Pokemon Deerling Grand Hyatt Tokyo
#118 Pokemon Emolga CERN
#119 Pokemon Joltik Googleplex
#120 Pokemon Ferrothorn Asukayama Park, Royal National Park
#121 Pokemon Chandelure Tower of London, Area 51 Roswell
#122 Pokemon Haxorus Taronga Zoo, Union Square Park, Museu do Trabalho
#123 Pokemon Cubchoo Lille Lungegårdsvannet
#124 Pokemon Stunfisk Tortuga Bay, Angkor Wat
#125 Pokemon Hydreigon The Louvre
#126 Pokemon Chespin Millennium Parkland
#127 Pokemon Quilladin Boronia Park, Santa Fe Island
#128 Pokemon Chesnaught Main Ave - Macquarie Park
#129 Pokemon Fennekin Ushuaia
#130 Pokemon Braixen Grand Prismatic Spring
#131 Pokemon Delphox Saitama City Office
#132 Pokemon Froakie Charles Darwin Research Station, Fisherman's Wharf
#133 Pokemon Frogadier Bellagio Casino
#134 Pokemon Greninja Mort Bay
#135 Pokemon Bunnelby Sacré-Cœur, Edinburgh Castle
#136 Pokemon Talonflame Pokémon Center Tokyo
#137 Pokemon Gogoat Großer Tiergarten
#138 Pokemon Pancham Googleplex, Pokémon Center Osaka
#139 Pokemon Meowstic? Big Ben
#140 Pokemon Meowstic? Area 51 Roswell, Apple HQ - Infinite Loop
#141 Pokemon Aegislash Tenpozan Park
#142 Pokemon Spritzee Disneyland, Ghibli Museum
#143 Pokemon Swirlix Yoyogi Park
#144 Pokemon Inkay Sydney Opera House
#145 Pokemon Helioptile Eiffel Tower, Apple HQ - Infinite Loop
#146 Pokemon Sylveon Central Park
#147 Pokemon Dedenne Nintendo Headquarters Kyoto, Harvard University, Parliament Hill
#148 Pokemon Goodra Iran National Library
#149 Pokemon Pumpkaboo Giza Necropolis, Red Square
#150 Pokemon Noivern Independence Square, CERN, NASA
#151 Pokemon Mew Various Locations around the world but random for each player: Amazon River, Bermuda Triangle, Nintendo Headquarters Kyoto

This page has been viewed 37145 times.
Last updated 17 Jun 2014 13:11 by Sunain.
Revision #42
Page Tags: Android Apple iOS Mobile Pokédex