Home / Content DB / 2016 European National Championships are announced—including a new Pokkén Tournament category—and Pokémon players prepare to Train On

2016 European National Championships are announced—including a new Pokkén Tournament category—and Pokémon players prepare to Train On.

London, UK —8 March 2016— As Pokémon celebrates 20 years of collecting, battling and trading, many dedicated Pokémon Trainers across Europe are preparing for the 2016 European National Championships.

Three cities will host the 2016 Pokémon Trading Card Game and Video Game European National Championships:

· 14–15 May: Liverpool, UK (Exhibition Centre Liverpool)
· 21–22 May: Kassel, Germany (Kongress Palais Kassel)
· 11–12 June: Milan, Italy (Mediolanum Forum, Assago MI)

As the most vibrant, diverse and committed fans travel from all parts of Europe to battle their way to become the very best, an all-new category has been added for 2016. Pokkén Tournament will be featured in the championships for the first time, giving challengers an extra chance to gain entry to the 2016 Pokémon World Championships.

The top Pokémon Trainers from Europe will be invited to play at the World Championships in San Francisco, California, on 19–21 August. The very best European competitors will also earn Travel Awards to cover the cost of flights and accommodations.

The Pokkén Tournament Championship Series will include events across Europe, and the top players will earn an invitation to the Pokkén Tournament World Championships, part of the Pokémon World Championships in San Francisco.

Players entering the Pokkén Tournament Championship Series at the UK National Championships will compete in two age divisions. Pokkén Tournament Championship Series trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nQKSk9HyDE Players in France will also have the chance to compete in a Pokémon TCG National Championships tournament that will take place 14–15 May in Verberie, France.
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Last updated 10 Mar 2016 09:07 by Sunain.
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