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The Great #EonTicketUK Relay is coming to the UK—and you can be a part of it!

Attend the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire launch event in London and be one of the first to get the Eon Ticket via StreetPass!

The Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Eon Ticket can be claimed via StreetPass, and we’re looking for people from across the UK to help spread the Eon Ticket far and wide. Will you be the person to bring the ticket to your hometown?

Most Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire players will have to wait to receive this ticket via StreetPass from someone who has it already. But to kick off the Eon Ticket distribution, we’re giving 15 Pokémon fans the opportunity to be among the first in the UK to get hold of this brilliant item to start the Great #EonTicketUK Relay!

Producer Junichi Masuda of GAME FREAK will be releasing the very first Eon Ticket at a Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire launch event in London—and we’re looking for people all over the country to help spread the Eon Ticket nationwide. With the Eon Ticket, you’ll have the opportunity to catch one of the Legendary Eon Pokémon, Latias or Latios*. We’re going to bring people from 15 towns and cities across the UK to this very special launch event on Saturday, 29 November. If you’re selected, you’ll get the chance to meet Pokémon producer Junichi Masuda of GAME FREAK, get the Eon Ticket for your Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire game, and grab some exclusive Pokémon goodies! Full details on the Great #EonTicketUK Relay will be unveiled at www.PokemonEonTicketUK.com on 13 November at 3 p.m.

Check back then for information on how to enter and the GAME locations to which we’ll be sending Eon Ticket winners. You could be the one to bring the Eon Ticket back to a GAME Store in one of the 15 towns and cities!

This is a unique opportunity to help share the Eon Ticket with fellow Pokémon fans in your home region—and across the UK—as part of the Great #EonTicketUK Relay. Remember, if you win you’ll be among the very first people in the UK to kick-start this real-life Pokémon adventure!

Learn more about Latias, Latios, and the Eon Ticket at the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire official site.

The Eon Ticket will also be available via StreetPass across Europe—stay tuned. *With the Eon Ticket, players of Pokémon Omega Ruby will be able to catch Latias; players of Pokémon Alpha Sapphire will be able to catch Latios.
This page has been viewed 2766 times.
Last updated 07 Nov 2014 11:41 by Sunain.
Revision #1
Page Tags: Press Release Streetpass GAME FREAK Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Junichi Masuda Eon Ticket