"We Want to Hear From You All! (2015/5/15)
We are currently taking submissions for the "Letter Channel".
Send us memories, pictures etc. related to Pokémon movies via
the submission button below!
How to submit:
Go to the "Application Form" page, then, in the "Application Content" section, select "Letter Channel" from the dropdown menu on top and write the following information at the start of your submission before sending it:
There is no set schedule for publishing these letters.
Submitted content will be chosen for publication by the official Pokémon movie site.
Not all submissions will be published.
In addition, please understand we may edit the submitted text to make it easier to read.
A letter from Shun and Ryo, Tokyo (2015/6/16)
From Shun (6) and Ryo (4), Tokyo
We all go see the Pokémon movies every summer.
We have seen the Pokémon movies three years in a row now.
Last year my little brother went with us.
We are looking forward to this year's movie too!
Shun and Ryo also sent us drawings, thank you very much for those!
They are very good, and you were even able to draw the tiny details on Giratina and Rayquaza!
This year's movie will premiere soon, so look forward to that!
*We added kanji to the submitted text to make it easier to read.
This page has been viewed 4699 times.
Last updated 19 May 2016 11:56
by Adamant.
Revision #3