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Cover Image English: PM2019 62 Not Too Close for Comfort!
Cover Image Japanese: PM2019 62 じめじめジメレオン
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PM2019 62 Jimejime Jimereon
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PM2019 62 Woebegone Jimereon
Cover Image Korean: PM2019 62 음침한 누겔레온
Cover Image English (Canadian): PM2019 62 Not Too Close for Comfort!
Cover Image Japanese: POKENCHI 280 HIGH THE GENIUS2後半戦 / ティモンディの1か月計画「すごいとっくん」で、しょこたん驚愕の伸びしろを見せる!!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): POKENCHI 280 HIGH THE GENIUS 2 kōhansen / Timon D no ikkagetsu keikaku "Sugoi Tokkun" de, Shokotan kyōgaku no nobishiro wo miseru!!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): POKENCHI 280 HIGH THE GENIUS 2 Part 2 / Shokotan Shows Surprising Potential During Timon D's 1 Month "Hyper Training" Project!!
Cover Image English: PM2019 63 On Land, In the Sea, and to the Future!
Cover Image Japanese: PM2019 63 挑戦!ポケモンマリンアスレチック!!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PM2019 63 Chōsen! Pokémon marine athletic!!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PM2019 63 Challenge! The Pokémon Water Obstacle Course!!
Cover Image Korean: PM2019 63 도전! 포켓몬 마린 애슬레틱!!
Cover Image English (Canadian): PM2019 63 On Land, In the Sea, and to the Future!
Cover Image Japanese: POKENCHI 281 ヒャダインの仕事場をレッツしらべる! / ティモンディ×しょこたんの「すごいとっくん」最終試験!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): POKENCHI 281 Hyadain no shigotoba wo let's shiraberu! / Timon D × Shokotan no "Sugoi Tokkun" saishū shiken!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): POKENCHI 281 Let's Investigate the Workplace of Hyadain! / The Final Exam of the Timon D x Shokotan "Hyper Training"!
Cover Image Japanese: POKENCHI 282 新学期大盛り上がり間違いなしの絆ゲーム / ティモンディのすごいとっくんクライマックス!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): POKENCHI 282 Shin gakki ōmoriagari machigainashi no kizuna game / Timon D no Sugoi Tokkun climax!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): POKENCHI 282 A Bonding Game That Will No Doubt Enrichen Your New School Term / Timon D's Hyper Training Climax!
Cover Image English: PM2019 64 Absol Absolved
Cover Image Japanese: PM2019 64 嫌われたアブソル
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PM2019 64 Kirawareta Absol
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PM2019 64 The Detested Absol