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Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): XY 23 De Volta Para o Frio!
Cover Image Norwegian: XY 23 Tilbake i kulda!
Cover Image Danish: XY 23 Tilbage til kulden!
Cover Image Korean: XY 23 오로라의 인연! 아마루스와 아마루르가!
Cover Image Portuguese: XY 23 De Regresso ao Frio!
Cover Image Russian: XY 23 Назад в холод!
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 21 ゆうれいポケモンとなつまつり / 第1回「楽しく強くなろう! ポケバトツアーズ!」、今回は幕張周辺のグルメをかけてポケモンバトル! / 内田篤人選手が登場!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 21 Yūrei Pokémon to natsumatsuri / Dai1kai 'Tanoshiku tsuyoku narou! Pokébattours!', Konkai wa Makuhari shūhen no gourmet wo kakete Pokémon battle! / Uchida Atsuto-senshu ga tōjō!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 21 Pokémon Ghosts and the Summer Festival / In this First Installment of 'Get Better While Having Fun! PokéBatTours!', the Group has Pokémon Battles for Food Near Makuhari! / Atsuto Uchida Appears!
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 22 バイバイバタフリー / 第7回「ポケモンずかん完成の旅」、科学の街「つくば」で18時までに20匹を交換できるか?
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 22 Bye bye Butterfree / Dai7kai 'Pokémon zukan kansei no tabi', kagaku no machi `Tsukuba' de 18-ji made ni 20-biki wo kōkan dekiru ka?
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 22 Bye Bye Butterfree / In This 7th Installment of 'The Pokémon Zukan Completion Journey', will Abareru-kun Manage to Make 20 Trades in Tsukuba, the City of Science, Before 6pm?
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 23 ケーシィ! ちょうのうりょくたいけつ! / 第6回「ゲットさせるな!ポケモンかくれんぼゲーム」、今回はぬいぐるみではなくポケモンカードゲームのカードでかくれんぼ!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 23 Casey! Chōnōryoku taiketsu! / Dai6kai `Get saseru na! Pokémon kakurenbo game', konkai wa nuigurumi de wa naku Pokémon Card Game no card de kakurenbo!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 23 Casey! Psionic Confrontation! / In this 6th Installment of 'Get Them! The Pokémon Hide-and-seek Game', Kasuga is No longer Searching for Plushies, but for Cards from the Pokémon Card Game!
Cover Image Japanese: Special 0 ポケモン竜王戦 初代ポケモン竜王決定戦!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Special 0 Pokémon ryūōsen: Shodai Pokémon ryūō ketteisen!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Special 0 The Pokémon Dragon King Match: The Tournament Finals to Determine the First Pokémon Dragon King!
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 24 ポケモンタワーでゲットだぜ! / 第8回「ポケモンずかん完成の旅」セントラルカロスずかん残り38匹を1日で集められるか!?/ ずかん完成で旅はどうなる?
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 24 Pokémon Tower de get da ze! / Dai8kai 'Pokémon zukan kansei no tabi' Central Kalos Zukan nokori 38biki wo ichinichi de atsumerareru ka!? / Zukan kansei de tabi wa dōnaru?
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 24 Getting one in the Pokémon Tower! / In This 8th Installment of 'The Pokémon Zukan Completion Journey', Will Abareru-kun Manage to Collect All 38 Remaining Pokémon in the Central Kalos Zukan in One Day!? / What Will Happen to the Journey When the Zukan is Complete?
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 25 ゴーストVSエスパー! / ポケテレチャレンジのメガシンカスペシャル / 新企画「ロビンのポケCooking」開始 / メガシンカに関する豪華賞品を視聴者プレゼント!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 25 Ghost VS Esper! / PokéTele Challenge no mega shinka special / Shinkikaku 'Robin no PokéCooking' kaishi / Mega shinka ni kansuru gōka shōhin wo shichōsha present!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 25 Ghost VS Psychic! / A PokéTV Challenge Mega Evolution Special / The New Segment 'Robin's PokéCooking' Begins / Extravagant Mega Evolution-related Prizes Will be Given Out to Viewers!
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 26 おこらないでねオコリザル! / あばれる君がゲストで登場、ポケテレメンバーに会いに来た理由とは? / 「あばれる君の旅」未公開映像もオンエア!