Start/End Dates |
2011-03-04 through
Country |
European Union
Catch the Victory Pokémon Victini!
Nintendo and The Pokémon Company International are giving Pokémon fans another reason to get excited about the upcoming launch of Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version games for the Nintendo DS family of systems. Those who are quick off the mark and purchase either of the new games between 4th March and 22nd April 2011, will be eligible to receive a special Liberty Pass via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (broadband Internet access required) or at selected retailers. This special Liberty Pass will enable the lucky few who receive it to catch the never-before-seen Mythical Pokémon, Victini.
Victini – the Victory Pokémon – is the first ever Pokémon to be both Psychic and Fire-type and it cannot be obtained through normal gameplay. It is said that Victini creates an unlimited supply of energy, which it shares with others. This energy source may be the secret to how it brings about victories. Victini’s unique and exclusive Victory Star ability not only increases its own accuracy in battle, but also boosts the accuracy of all your fighting Pokémon. Victini is a must-have in any Pokémon battle, and especially useful in Triple Battles, which is a unique new feature of Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version.
Featuring more than 150 never-before-seen-Pokémon, no matter which version you choose, you’re sure to have fun. With an array of expanded features for taking your Pokémon into battle, you can challenge other trainers in either the game’s main adventure, or go head-to-head against your friends.
To be in with a chance of receiving the special Liberty Pass, grab your copy of either Pokémon Black Version or Pokémon White Version when they launch across Europe on March 4th 2011.
Get the Liberty Pass and Find Victini!
For a limited time, players with wireless broadband Internet access can download the Liberty Pass via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection*. With it, you can ride a tour boat from Castelia City to Liberty Garden, where the Mythical Pokémon Victini awaits. When you find Victini, you'll battle this special Pokémon—be sure to catch it when you have the chance!
This is the only way you can catch the Mythical Pokémon—you won't find it anywhere else in Pokémon Black Version or Pokémon White Version. Victini is Level 15 when you catch it, and it already knows some incredible moves: Confusion, Incinerate, Quick Attack, and Endure.
The Liberty Pass will be available for only a short time, but once you have it, you can visit Liberty Garden and try to catch Victini whenever you're ready. Don't miss the opportunity to catch this amazing Pokémon!
Use the Liberty Pass to board one of the ships moored along the docks in Castelia City. When you arrive at Liberty Garden, you'll discover that something bad has happened... The case will take you to the basement of the lighthouse, where you'll find Victini waiting. Get ready to battle the Mythical Pokémon! This is your chance to catch a Pokémon you can't get anywhere else. If you have to flee or you defeat Victini by accident, don't worry—it will reappear in the basement again. The Victini you catch will be Level 15. Confusion is a Psychic-type move that has a chance of confusing your target. Incinerate not only does damage, it also burns up the target's held Berry. Quick Attack is a move that is sure to strike first. With Endure, the user will withstand any attack that would cause it to faint, leaving it with 1 HP.

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Pokéball: |
Ultra Ball |
Species: |
Victini |
Nickname: |
None |
OT Name: |
Level: |
15 |
Gender: |
Ability: |
Victory Star
Nature: |
Hardy |
Shiny: |
Unknown |
Ribbons: |