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27 Jul 2022 09:53 AM
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Pokémon Masters Update 2.23.0 is now out which includes minor bug fixes and improvements. Our Pokémon Masters patches page has been updated with the details of this update.


Update Notification

A new version of the app has been released today. Please update your app to the latest version.
Note: Changes will be reflected after updating to Ver. 2.23.0 or higher.
Note: The exact time the update becomes available may differ for each player.
Note: Please try again later if the update is not available.

UI Improvements

Made various improvements to the in-game UI. Please refer to the following for more details.
    Improvements to the Sync Pairs Menu
  • The appearance of the Sync Pairs menu has been changed.
  • Sync Pairs can be trained via Upgrades in the Sync Pairs menu.
  • A feature to upgrade multiple aspects of a sync pair at once has been added to some sections of the Upgrades. You can now tap on the Max Upgrade button to use multiple items required to perform a particular upgrade all at once.
  • A feature to perform multiple upgrades at once has been added to some sections of the Upgrades. You can now tap on the Multiple Upgrades button and then select Level, Unlock Level Cap (Affinity in the case of Egg sync pairs), and Theme Skills to use as many of the available upgrade items for the selected upgrade as you can.
  • Upgrade Gear now allows you to Level Up multiple times at once.
  • You can now navigate to Bellis’s Lab via a Lab button in the Sync Pairs menu.
  • Reverse Item Lookup
  • Some item details screens will now show the quantity of the item you have in stock.
  • Some item details screens will now include the Where to Find button.
  • You can now access the area info or features where you can find an item by checking its Where to Find list.
  • You can now access the area info and features where Battle Points can be earned from the Battle Point Tier Reward screen.
  • Common Shortcut Feature
  • Some screens now allow you to open the common shortcut screen, enabling you to directly access each feature.
  • Certain Button Adjustments
  • The button that takes you to Bellis’s Lab from the Pokémon Center has been removed.
  • The location of the button that takes you to Mission Bingo from the Pokémon Center has been changed.
  • Other Improvements
  • You can now access the Upgrades screen from some Sync Pairs details screens.

Other Updates

  • New songs will be added to the Jukebox. Scheduled Date/Time: July 27, 2022 at 11:00 p.m.
    Note: You can exchange for newly added songs in the Unlock Songs menu of the Jukebox or the Exchange Items menu in the Shop.
  • Tapping the screen while the reward item animation is being displayed will now let you skip to the end of the animation sequence.
  • A Battle Entry section has been added to Tips.
  • Fixed an issue that caused unexpected behavior to occur when a Sync Pair is flying, bouncing, or takes on a phantom or shadow presence.
  • Fixed an issue for a certain Passive Skill where the effect targets were different than expected.
  • Fixed an issue in which, after using a lucky cookie to give a Passive Skill that activates upon entering a battle such as Sharp Entry 1 to Sygna Suit Lusamine & Necrozma or Sygna Suit Serena & Zygarde, the Passive Skill would not activate again when the sync pair changes form with a Sync Move which should have been treated as if they re-entered the battle.

    As compensation for this issue, Non-paid Gems ×300 have been sent to all players.

    Compensation claim period: Until August 26, 2022 at 10:59 p.m.
  • Made minor text changes.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements have been implemented.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Update_4070_1W_1