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08 Sep 2022 11:30 AM
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The Super Spotlight Costume Scout is now live in Pokémon Masters EX! Four 5★ costume sync pairs are featured in this scout! You can team up with costume sync pairs!

The Legendary Arena—which has previously been available only at certain times—can now be taken on whenever you want! Starting today, you can take on Legendary Arena battles at any time! Challenge Legendary Pokémon with your sync pairs!

The Costume Event: Poké War Games has returned! This event includes a main storyline as well as individual sub-stories that feature certain sync pairs! Please note: For the rerun of this event, the event format has been changed.

Super Spotlight Costume Scout

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Featuring 4 Costume Sync Pairs! Tiered Scout Also Available! The Costume Tiered Scout and Super Spotlight Costume Scout featuring limited-time Costume Sync Pairs are under way! These Sync Pair Scouts feature the following Sync Pairs:

  • Diantha (Special Costume) & Keldeo
  • Hilda (Special Costume) & Diancie
  • Guzma (Special Costume) & Buzzwole
  • Jasmine (Special Costume) & Celesteela

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Costume Tiered Scout

Tiered Scouts are special Sync Pair Scouts that can only be used with Paid Gems. Each time you scout, you will proceed to the next tier. This scout goes up to Tier 5. Every tier is a Sync Pair Scout ×11, and Tiers 2–5 include the following bonuses:

Tier 2: Obtain 5★ Power-Ups ×3 by using this scout.
Tier 3: Obtain a special ticket to use in the Ticket Scout by using this scout.
Tier 4: Obtain 5★ Power-Ups ×7 by using this scout.
Tier 5: You can team up with a Sync Pair of your choice from the list of available 5★ Sync Pairs by using this scout.

Note: In Tier 5, you can also select from the Costume Sync Pairs included in this sync pair scout.
Note: For details on each tier, please check Tier Details on the corresponding sync pair scout screen.
Note: Please refer to Ticket Scout Details below for more information about Tickets.


September 7, 2022 at 11:00 p.m. - October 2, 2022 at 10:59 p.m.

Ticket Scout Details

Tickets from the Tiered Scouts can be used in the Ticket Scout. One 5★ Sync Pair is guaranteed in the Costume Featured Ticket Scout, which requires a ticket you can get in Tier 3 to use. Featured Costume Sync Pairs have a higher chance of appearing.

Note: Tickets received from the Costume Tiered Scout can only be used for the Costume Featured Ticket Scout.


September 7, 2022 at 11:00 p.m. - October 9, 2022 at 10:59 p.m.

Super Spotlight Costume Scout

Featuring 4 Costume Sync Pairs! In this sync pair scout, you can use the daily discount for only 100 paid gems per scout up to 3 times per day.


September 7, 2022 at 11:00 p.m. - October 2, 2022 at 10:59 p.m.


  • 5★ Diantha (Special Costume) & Keldeo, 5★ Hilda (Special Costume) & Diancie, 5★ Guzma (Special Costume) & Buzzwole, and 5★ Jasmine (Special Costume) & Celesteela are Costume Sync Pairs.
  • Costume Sync Pairs are Sync Pairs that only appear for a limited time during costume sync pair scouts.
  • There is a possibility that they will appear in future costume sync pair scouts as well.
  • Sync Pairs other than the ones mentioned above may also appear in the costume sync pair scout.
  • The Tiered Scout requires Paid Gems.
  • You cannot gain Scout Points in the Tiered Scout.
  • You can go to the Ticket Scout screen to check how many tickets you have received from the Tiered Scout. You cannot view this information from your Bag.
  • Please be aware that you will not be able to use any remaining tickets after the Ticket Scout ends.
  • Once you’ve gone through every tier in the Tiered Scout and selected a 5★ Sync Pair, it will no longer appear on the Sync Pair Scout selection screen.
  • Each tier is only available once and will not reset.
  • Tier 1–4 completion progress for this Sync Pair Scout will be reset when it closes, while Tier 5 completion progress will be reset once you have selected a 5★ Sync Pair.
  • The special 5★ sync pair can only be claimed for a limited time. It cannot be claimed after the period ends.
  • The pool of 5★ sync pairs available for selection in this sync pair scout is limited.
  • Please note that you cannot have two or more sync pairs that include Trainers with the same name in your team.
  • The number of times the daily discount (100 paid Gems per scout) can be used is reset each day. Reset Time: 11:00 p.m.
  • Featured sync pairs have a higher chance of appearing than non-featured 5★ sync pairs.
  • To check the available sync pairs and their respective offering rates, go to the Offering Rate section on the Sync Pair Scout screen.
  • Please read the Notes tab under Offering Rate on the Sync Pair Scout screen before using the feature.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/BSearch_4080_2W_1

Legendary Arena Is Now Always Available!

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Legendary Arena Is Now Always Available! Starting today, you can take on all of the Legendary Arena battles at any time! Take on Legendary Pokémon with the Sync Pairs you’ve trained! Also, new event missions have been added to Legendary Arena Tornadus!

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Legendary Arena

The Legendary Arena is a special battle area where you can form multiple teams and take on the challenge using a set number of sync pairs. You can complete the related missions to earn Medals that can only be obtained here!

Event Missions

Added new event missions to Legendary Arena Tornadus! You can complete higher difficulty missions to get Gems!

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Event Mission Date/Time

September 7, 2022 at 11:00 p.m. - September 21, 2022 at 10:59 p.m.


  • To attempt Legendary Arena missions, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 2: Defeat Team Break! (Normal) in single-player.
  • Event missions held at the same time as the Legendary Arena do not count toward the completion requirements for Legendary Arena Mission Completion Rewards.
  • All completion rewards for event missions held at the same time as the Legendary Arena must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Update_4080_2W_1

Costume Event Poké War Games

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Costume Event Poké War Games is back! The Poké War Games begin on Pasio! Note: For the rerun of this event, the event format has been changed.

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September 7, 2022 at 11:00 p.m. - October 2, 2022 at 10:59 p.m.

Costume Events

The Costume Event includes a Main Storyline as well as Individual Sub-stories that feature certain Sync Pairs.

Main Storyline

  • Costume Event Poké War Games

Individual Sub-stories

  • Costume Event Battle Prep

You can unlock episodes by completing area info for the Main Storyline and Individual Sub-stories and by completing event missions. You can enjoy the Main Storyline as you read through the story for each Sync Pair.

Note: Story Keys are not required for unlocking Individual Sub-story episodes in this event.

Lineup Bonuses

You can earn bonus rewards if you have featured Sync Pairs in your lineup for battles in each Individual Sub-story. The more of these Sync Pairs you include on your team, the more of the following items you can earn!

Note: You can view more information on the featured Sync Pairs in the Special Bonuses screen by tapping the button in the bottom left of the area selection screen.

Featured Bonus Items

  • Event Voucher X

The lineup bonus is ×1 by default and varies according to which Sync Pairs are on the team.
Example 1: If you place a ×1.6 and a ×1.2 Sync Pair on your team, you will receive ×1.8 the number of featured bonus items.
Example 2: If you place a ×1.6 and a ×1.6 Sync Pair on your team, you will receive ×2.2 the number of featured bonus items.

Event Missions

You can take on special missions during the event period. Check the Missions screen to learn more!

Note: You will receive a special chapter when you complete the designated Mission in each Individual Sub-story.
Note: You can earn Mission completion rewards for completing the designated number of Missions in the Main Storyline.
Note: The Golden Spheres obtainable in the Missions cannot be used for other purposes.
Note: The Golden Spheres will remain in your stock even after the event ends. You can check them anytime by opening your Bag from the Poryphone menu and selecting Event Items.

Event Medals

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Event medals are awarded for meeting certain conditions in event missions. You can try to obtain all of the event medals!


  • This event’s story is the same as the previously held Costume Event Poké War Games. Note: You can claim the rewards even if you previously completed the Costume Event Poké War Games.
  • To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • The number of plays available for Daily Extreme Battle 1 are reset every day. Reset Time: 11:00 p.m.
  • When the exchange period for the following items obtained in this event ends, the leftover items will be converted into coins (10 coins each) and sent to your Present Box.
    Applicable Items:
    • Event Voucher X
  • If you acquire duplicates of any of the items below during this event, they will be converted into a 3★ Power-Up.
    Applicable Items:
    • Golden Sphere
  • To attempt missions, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
  • The content is subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_4080_2W_2
Last edited 08 Sep 2022 11:32 AM by ForumBot