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24 Jun 2008 03:43 PM
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The Pokémon TCG: Diamond & Pearl Legends Awakened expansion was released on August 20th, 2008. Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread.

Press Release

The time has come for legends to awaken! Behold some of the most powerful Pokemon of all time when the brand-new Pokemon Trading Card Game expansion Diamond & Pearl - Legends Awakened hits retail outlets nationwide on August 20, 2008. This latest installment of the best-selling Pokemon TCG features a gigantic set of more than 140 cards and is guaranteed to change game strategy for Pokemon Trainers, collectors, and fans everywhere. With the rise of the long slumbering Regigigas and the fire-wielding Heatran, as well as seven new Pokemon LV.X, Diamond & Pearl - Legends Awakened is destined to make for epic battles that soon become legendary!


  • New Diamond & Pearl Pokemon such as Regigigas, Heatran, and Giratina
  • Seven new Pokemon LV.X including Mewtwo LV.X
  • Two 60-card theme decks - Bombardment and Metal Surge
  • Booster packs include 10 randomly inserted game cards for collectors and players alike
  • Theme decks and parallel set cards feature an innovative look with holographic treatment

Source: http://go-pokemon.com/tcg/news/articles/78.html

Diamond & Pearl Legends Awakened

Become a legend in your own time when you play the Pokémon TCG: Diamond & Pearl—Legends Awakened expansion! Powerful Legendary Pokémon like Regigigas and Heatran, more amazing Pokémon LV.X than ever before, and a host of other game-changing Pokémon will make your battles even more epic. And with new Trainer and Supporter cards, you will awaken the legend within yourself. The legends are rising to the challenge—will you rise with them?

  • More powerful new Pokémon LV.X than ever before!
  • Includes Technical Machine and Fossil cards
  • Features two theme decks, "Metal Surge" and "Bombardment"
  • Exciting holographic parallel set for players and collectors alike
  • A big set—more than 140 cards in all!

Source: https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-tcg/legends-awakened

Metal Surge / Bombardment Theme Decks

image image

Harness the strength of a volcano with the Metal Surge theme deck. Heatran's Smelt Poké-Power will help get it fully loaded, then for each Metal Energy it has, it cranks the damage into overdrive with its Heavy Metal attack. For the final encore, bring out Metagross to call down its devastating Extra Comet Punch attack. Besides doing hefty damage the first time you use it, that power gets doubled on the next! With the Metal Surge theme deck, you'll have the competition surging... to run away!

The Bombardment theme deck will bring out the ruler in you! Regigigas commands from deep inside Snowpoint Temple, and it definitely isn't going down without a fight! Its Recover Mechanism Poké-Power gets rid of all unwanted Special Conditions while its Gigaton Punch attack could do extensive damage to any Pokémon waiting in the wings. Then watch as Gliscor swoops in with its Burning Poison attack and really piles on the damage, leaving your opponent's Pokémon Burned or Poisoned—the choice is up to you! When you play with the Bombardment theme deck, you'll spread the damage far and wide!
Last edited 10 Dec 2024 12:28 PM by ForumBot