Title: Re: PokéDoko 72:シンガーソングライターasmiがアニポケ“オープニングテーマ”『ドキメキダイアリー』を披...
Singer-songwriter asmi performs the Pokémon anime opening theme "Dokimeki Diary"! There'll also be Pokémon voice training in a do-re-mi-fa rhythm?! And a new trailer for The Hidden Treasure of Zero too!
Pokénds, thank you for sending us RVR rap videos!
You did such a good job we're going to air them on the show! Nyahoja, Captain Pikachu and the others really love them too!
Ryogo Matsumaru
Hikaru Takahashi
Shuhei Nakano from Kaerutei (voice of Koccar)
Guests: asmi, Nyahoja, Hogator, Kuwassu and Captain Pikachu