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29 Mar 2024 08:31 PM
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Will, the first original Japanese song by Korean 6-member girl group IVE in about 11 months, will be the new opening theme for the TV Tokyo Network anime Pocket Monsters (airs every Friday at 6:55pm), and is going to be available digitally on April 12th alongside the premiere of the new chapter "Terastal Debut".


"Will" is IVE's very first anime tie-in song, and is a song themed around friendship and adventure, filled with a sparkling feel similar to that of Pocket Monsters. Japanese member Rei said with great joy that she's been very close to this anime ever since she was little, so she was extremely happy to hear they were doing an opening theme for it, and that all the members were really excited about it.

Wonyoung was visibly moved as she talked about how very happy and honored to get to sing the opening theme for an anime as extremely famous as Pocket Monsters, which she's a big fan of herself as well, having loved Pikachu since childhood and having wanted to live with Pokémon in real life back then.


A new trailer that shows what to expect from the beginning of the new chapter "Terastal Debut" was released today, March 29th, 2024, where you can hear part of IVE's "Will".


YouTube Clip - Pocket Monsters Anime Terastal Debut Starts in Friday, April 12th, 2024

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShQdAO_1aa0

Comments from IVE:

I'm very honored and very happy to be singing the opening theme for the Pocket Monsters anime. This is a very fun song, so I had fun recording it as well. My favorite Pokémon is Eievui, and I always keep an Eievui plushie I got from Rei in my room. I want all you viewers to listen to "Will" as soon as you can, and I'm truly grateful for all the constant support we've been getting.

I've been a huge fan of Pokémon since I was a child, so I'm really happy I get to sing one of its opening themes. Pokémon is of course a famous anime everyone in Japan knows, and this is also the case in Korea, so I was really honored to get this assignment and knew I had to do my absolute best. There was a huge Pocket Monsters card game craze back when was in elementary school, so I played that a lot with my cousins, and also collected cute Pokémon menko in all kinds of colors. I sang this song with all my might in order to fill it with the kind of cheerfulness and energy that's so unique to the Pocket Monsters anime, so please look forward to it!

I've been very close to this anime ever since she was little, so I was extremely happy to hear we were doing an opening theme for it. All the members were really excited about it, and couldn't believe they were actually doing the opening theme (smile). When I was little, I would always be sitting in front of the TV on the days the anime was airing, looking forward to learning what kind of adventure we'd be getting that day (smile). I'd be really happy if I could share all the dreams, courage and sparkling memories I gained from watching the anime back then with you all. Please look forward to seeing IVE alongside Pokémon.

I'm very happy and honored to get to sing the opening theme for an anime as extremely famous as Pocket Monsters, which I'm a big fan of myself as well. I've loved Pikachu since childhood and wanted to live with Pokémon in real life back then, so I'm very happy to get to sing the opening theme. We'll be singing a cheerful song that will make you happy as you watch the show!

I've enjoyed the anime ever since I was a child, and also played the video games a lot and collected a ton of Pokémon cards, menko and plushies together with my little brother, so I was extremely honored when I learned we were singing the opening theme. It made me so excited and happy I can't even put it in words. Since I was so excited about this song, I did my absolute best when recording it as well! I hope you guys are all excited for it as well, and would be really happy if you'd root for us a lot!

It was like a dream come true to learn we were getting to sing this song. We've been graced with the wonderful opportunity it is to get to sing an anime opening theme, so I really wanted to do a good job with it. I regularly have fun collecting the "Decochara seal" stickers that come with Pokémon Pan pastry, and would put the stickers featuring my favorite Pokémon on my cell phone. I did my absolute utmost singing "Will", so it'd make me happy if lots of people liked it.

IVE 新曲が『ポケモン』新OPに メンバー大感激「心からうれしかった」【全員コメント】

韓国の6人組ガールズグループ・IVEの約11ヶ月ぶりとなる日本オリジナル曲「Will」が、テレビ東京系アニメ『ポケットモンスター』(毎週金曜 後6:55)の新オープニングテーマに決定した。新章「テラスタルデビュー」が4月12日に放送開始となるのにあわせて、同日に配信リリースされる。




アニメ『ポケットモンスター』のオープニングテーマを歌うことになり大変光栄に思いますし、とても嬉しかったです。すごく楽しい曲なので、レコーディングも楽しく出来ました。ポケモンの中ではイーブイが一番好きなんですが、レイがプレゼントしてくれたイーブイのぬいぐるみを部屋にずっと置いています。視聴者の皆さんに、「Will」を早く聴いてもらいたいです! いつもたくさん応援してくださって、本当にありがとうございます。




▼リズ 幼い頃からアニメを楽しく見ていましたし、ゲームもたくさんしていて、弟とポケモンカードとめんこ、ぬいぐるみをたくさん集めたりもしていたので、私たちがオープニングテーマを歌うと聞いて、とても光栄に思いました。言葉で表現できないほど楽しみで、嬉しかったです。個人的に楽しみにしていたので、レコーディングも頑張りました!皆さんにも楽しみにしていて欲しいですし、IVEの活動もたくさん応援してくださると嬉しいです。


Source: https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2320574/full/
Last edited 29 Mar 2024 09:22 PM by ForumBot