Title: Re: PokéDoko 122:影山優佳とロイ役の寺崎裕香が激ムズな謎解きに挑戦っ! / ポケっす祭りin愛知/Yuk...
Beroba Matsumaru returns in powered-up form! Yuka Kageyama and Roy's voice actress Yuka Terasaki attempt to solve his super difficult riddle! Are Aoki and the other guests a hint? We'll also have a status report from the long-awaited first day of the Pokéssu Festival!
The "Pokémon to Doko Iku? Presents a Pokéssu with Pokénds Festival" is still underway! Check the show's website for details!
Ryogo Matsumaru
Hikaru Takahashi
Shuhei Nakano from Kaerutei (voice of Koccar)
Guests: Kaiki! Yes-Donguri-RPG, Yuka Kageyama and Yuka Terasaki