Title: ANA x The Pokémon Company - ANA Safety and Disembarkation Vi...
ANA has collaborated with The Pokémon Company to create the world's first in-flight safety video featuring Pokémon. With this collaboration, they aim to provide excitement to their customers and provide an in-flight safety video that can be
enjoyed by people of all ages. The video will be shown on both the Pikachu Jet NH and the Eevee Jet NH aircrafts,
starting on August 15th, 2024. The music in the videos was performed by the NHK Symphony Orchestra. The English narrator is Peter Von Gomm.
The videos were proposed by ANA to Pokémon, and took about a year and a half to produce. It was unveiled at Haneda Airport on August 15th, 2024 to coincide with the departure ceremony for the team participating in the Pokémon World Championships 2024, which will be held in Honolulu from August 16th to 18th, 2024 and it is also the peak summer vacation period.
They also created a Disembarkation Video featuring Pokémon. In this collaboration video between ANA and The Pokémon Company, you'll see ANA staff at the airport witnessing Pikachu's journey. Come explore the airport with us and experience what it's like to travel with ANA!
YouTube Clip - ANA Disembarkation Video featuring Pokémon (English)
The ANA in-flight safety and disembarkation videos featuring Pokémon will be shown on all aircraft!
From December 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025*1, you can enjoy the ANA in-flight safety and disembarkation videos featuring Pokémon on all domestic and international flights*2 operated by ANA. Let your favorite Pokémon bring extra joy to your travels and make your flight experience special!
*1. Due to maintenance, the videos may not be shown on some aircraft until after December 1st.
*2. Please note that the Star Wars special livery aircraft (B777-200ER C-3PO livery aircraft, B787-9 R2-D2 livery aircraft) will continue to show the original safety and disembarkation videos.