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02 Nov 2007 05:56 PM
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The Pokémon TCG: Diamond & Pearl Secret Wonders expansion was released on November 7th, 2007. Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread.


Uncover the Secret, Discover the Wonder. Make your opponents wonder what your secret power is! In Secret Wonders, you'll discover new Pokémon that will give your battles a powerful twist. Plus, with more exciting Pokémon LV.X, more strategy-changing Poké-Powers and Poké-Bodies, and brand-new Trainer cards, your best-kept secret will be surprise! The wonders never cease when you play the Pokémon TCG: Diamond & Pearl—Secret Wonders expansion!

Diamond & Pearl Secret Wonders

Discover new Pokémon in Diamond & Pearl—Secret Wonders and unlock a new horizon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Never-before-seen Pokémon, new attacks, and cutting-edge Trainer cards will have you on the edge of your seat!

Legendary Pokémon
Catch up with the legendary trio of Entei (4/132), Raikou (16/132), and Suicune (19/132)! Each of them has special abilities that give you an advantage in battle… whether it’s Entei as it does damage, Raikou when a Lightning Energy is attached to it, or Suicune that recovers your Water-type Pokémon from your discard pile. Which one will fit best in your new strategies?

No-Cost Attacks
Here’s an excellent variety of attacks that don’t need any Energy to use. Smeargle (66/132) can search your deck for 3 basic Energy cards for free while Banette (23/132) can damage the Defending Pokémon, putting equal amounts of damage counters on both. There are many Pokémon in Secret Wonders that take advantage of these attacks, allowing you to save your Energy for the Pokémon that need it more!

Wondrous Items
This expansion introduces "items" for the first time. Items are part of the Pokémon’s card, giving that Pokémon a unique distinction. Murkrow's (95/132) Dusk Stone allows it to immediately evolve into Honchkrow (132/132) during any of your turns—including the very first turn of the game! So, what other Pokémon have items? Find out in booster packs of Secret Wonders!

Look for booster packs of Diamond & Pearl—Secret Wonders as well as the new Lavaflow and Powerhouse theme decks at your local store today!

Source: https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-tcg/secret-wonders

Pokémon Fans Across North America Sneak a Peek at the Latest Cards!

Pokémon TCG: Diamond & Pearl - Secret Wonders doesn't hit store shelves until November 7th, 2007, but many Pokémon enthusiasts across the U.S. and Canada have already been treated to an early look at the latest cards. How did they score such a sweet opportunity? Savvy Pokémon fans got to play with brand-new cards before anyone else by attending Secret Wonders Prerelease tournaments. Additional Secret Wonders Prerelease tournaments will be taking place November 3rd and 4th, 2007.

To get a feel for the excitement, go-pokemon.com attended a Secret Wonders Prerelease tournament held at Phoenix Games in Mukilteo, Washington. When we arrived, there was electricity in the air as dozens of Pokémon fans prepared to play with cards they had never seen before.

One of the best parts of playing and collecting Pokémon trading cards is the excitement you feel just before opening a booster pack. What will be inside? Your favorite Pokémon? A powerful Trainer card? An oddly alluring Bidoof? Imagine this same feeling, but now consider that after you open the pack, you'll immediately have to put these cards to use against another player in your same position. That's a thrilling experience, and that's what Pokémon Prerelease tournaments are all about.

After opening six booster packs each, competitors have an equal amount of time to construct 40-card decks with which to challenge their rivals. At the Secret Wonders Prerelease tournament, foil wrappers were flying as eager fans soaked up the new possibilities and formed their plans of attack. It didn't take long for strategies to be formulated, and before long, the competition was underway.

The tournament bracket was broken down into three divisions based on age: Junior, Senior, and Masters. As we wandered from table to table, it was clear that the competition was fierce in each age group.

Attacks were flying everywhere. We witnessed Charizard using Blast Burn to K.O. an opposing Pokémon. Wild Waves from Gastrodon West Sea wreaked havoc on Benched Pokémon on more than one occasion. Damage counters flew in all directions, and Prize cards were snatched up with glee. With ultimate victory or an unfortunate defeat hanging in the balance, time seemed to stand still as coins were flipped and fates were determined.

When the dust settled, three Pokémon Trainers stood above the rest as the champions of the day. There wasn't a loser in the room though, because all participants got to keep the cards they opened during the competition. On top of that, tournament goers each received a special foil-stamped Prerelease card, as well as a couple Secret Wonders booster packs when they completed the event. Everybody wins at Prerelease tournaments!

If you missed last week's tournaments, you're not out of luck. Additional Secret Wonders Prerelease tournaments will be taking place November 4th and 5th. For more information, and to find a tournament near you, visit the prerelease tournament page at go-pokemon.com.

While most Pokémon Organized Play tournaments are free, Prerelease tournaments require a minimum $25 entrance fee. For more details, visit the Secret Wonders prerelease tournament FAQ.

Source: http://www.go-pokemon.com/tcg/news/

Lavaflow / Powerhouse Theme Decks

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The Lavaflow theme deck is ready to explode! Use your Fire and Grass Pokémon to build up to the eruption, then let Magmortar use its Flame Body, Flame Blast, and Fireball Bazooka to send a wall of hot lava cascading down on your opponent!

Show your opponents who’s in charge when you play the Powerhouse theme deck! Your Lightning and Fighting Pokémon will rumble like thunder while Electivire uses its Motor Drive Poké-Power to keep adding more Lightning Energy to itself... until it uses its Discharge attack to electrify your opponent!
Last edited 11 Dec 2024 09:14 AM by ForumBot