Title: Pokémon Center - Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas
On Saturday, October 26th, 2024, a line of Christmas themed merchandise called
Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas, will be available at Pokémon Centers!
The main artwork depicts happy Pokémon receiving presents with a warm and gentle touch. Pikachu seems to have received a warm scarf made from Wooloo's hair, and Ikkanezumi received a stylish checkered scarf made from Ayashishi's beard. The lineup includes fluffy plushies, advent calendars to get you in the Christmas mood, and an art tapestries to hang mascots on! The bold and unique Christmas sweaters come in two patterns: Hitodeman and Numacraw. Have a wonderful Christmas with Pokémon Christmas goods! The Pokémon Center Online will start selling them starting on Thursday, October 24th, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
At the Amazon.co.jp Pokémon Store, pre-orders for products with a (★) will be starting on October 26th, 2024 with sales starting on November 2nd, 2024 but due to the limited number of products available, they may be sold during the pre-order period.
Please note that the release of this product may be postponed or cancelled due to the situation in the production area and stores. Please be aware of this beforehand.

Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Pikachu Plushie - 4,950 yen (★) | Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Kumasyun Mascot - 1,980 yen (★)

Advent Calendar Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 3,960 yen | Wrapping x Eco Bag S Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 1,870 yen

Wrapping x Eco Bag L Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 2,200 yen | Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Acrylic Ornament Collection - 660 yen - 10 types in total chosen at random.

Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Art Tapestry - 4,400 yen | Garland Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 1,430 yen

Christmas Sweater Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Hitodeman M - 6,930 yen | Pika-mimi Santa Hat - 2,200 yen

Fluffy Mid-length Socks & Drawstring Bag Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Nyasper (23-25cm) - 2,640 yen | Fluffy Embroidered Sticker Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Pikachu - 550 yen

Fluffy Pouch Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Wooloo - 2,750 yen | Greeting Card Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 990 yen

Assorted Stickers Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 660 yen
Item List (English):
Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Pikachu Plushie - 4,950 yen (★)
Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Shaymin Plushie - 4,180 yen (★)
Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Ikkanezumi Plushie - 4,180 yen (★)
Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Kumasyun Mascot - 1,980 yen (★)
Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Nyasper Mascot - 1,870 yen (★)
Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Dedenne Mascot - 1,980 yen (★)
Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Pamo Daruma Mascot - 1,540 yen (★)
Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Art Tapestry - 4,400 yen
Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Acrylic Ornament Collection - 660 yen - 10 types in total chosen at random.
Garland Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 1,430 yen
Advent Calendar Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 3,960 yen
Lollipop Candy & Chocolate Crunch Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 972 yen
Wrapping x Eco Bag S Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 1,870 yen
Wrapping x Eco Bag L Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 2,200 yen
Christmas Sweater Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Hitodeman M - 6,930 yen
Christmas Sweater Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Hitodeman L - 6,930 yen
Christmas Sweater Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Numacraw M - 6,930 yen
Christmas Sweater Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Numacraw L - 6,930 yen
Pika-mimi Santa Hat - 2,200 yen
Fluffy Mid-length Socks & Drawstring Bag Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Nyasper (23-25cm) - 2,640 yen
Fluffy Medium Socks & Drawstring Bag Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Nyasper (25-27cm) - 2,640 yen
Fluffy Embroidered Sticker Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Pikachu - 550 yen
Fluffy Embroidered Sticker Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Shaymin - 550 yen
Fluffy Embroidered Sticker Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Ikkanezumi - 550 yen
Fluffy Pouch Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Wooloo - 2,750 yen
Fluffy Multi-card Case Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas Pamo Daruma - 1,650 yen
A4 3-pocket Clear File Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 550 yen
Assorted Stickers Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 660 yen
Greeting Card Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 990 yen
Ornament Memo Pad Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 1,210 yen
Logo Pin Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas - 693 yen
Item List (Japanese):
ぬいぐるみ Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas ピカチュウ 4,950円(★)
ぬいぐるみ Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas シェイミ 4,180円(★)
ぬいぐるみ Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas イッカネズミ 4,180円(★)
マスコット Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas クマシュン 1,980円(★)
マスコット Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas ニャスパー 1,870円(★)
マスコット Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas デデンネ 1,980円(★)
マスコット Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas パモだるま 1,540円(★)
アートタペストリー Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 4,400円
アクリルオーナメントコレクション Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 660円
ガーランド Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 1,430円
アドベントカレンダー Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 3,960円
ロリポップキャンディ&チョコクランチ Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 972円
ラッピング×エコバッグ S Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 1,870円
ラッピング×エコバッグ L Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 2,200円
クリスマスセーター Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas ヒトデマン M 6,930円
クリスマスセーター Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas ヒトデマン L 6,930円
クリスマスセーター Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas ヌマクロー M 6,930円
クリスマスセーター Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas ヌマクロー L 6,930円
ピカみみサンタ帽 2,200円
もこもこミドルソックス&巾着 Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas ニャスパー(23-25cm) 2,640円
もこもこミドルソックス&巾着 Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas ニャスパー(25-27cm) 2,640円
もこもこ刺繍ステッカー Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas ピカチュウ 550円
もこもこ刺繍ステッカー Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas シェイミ 550円
もこもこ刺繍ステッカー Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas イッカネズミ 550円
もこもこポーチ Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas ウールー 2,750円
もこもこマルチカードケース Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas パモだるま 1,650円
A4 3ポケットクリアファイル Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 550円
アソートシール Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 660円
グリーティングカード Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 990円
オーナメントメモ帳 Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 1,210円
ロゴピンズ Pokémon Heartwarming Christmas 693円
New Festive Holiday Plush and Plush Key Chains Are Now Available at Pokémon Center
Pikachu, Shaymin, Maushold, and more are in stock and ready to celebrate with you this season. Invite a collection of cuddly Pokémon friends into your home this season with the debut of Pokémon Center’s line of delightful Pokémon holiday plush. Three new plush join four new plush key chains to spread cheer.
Pikachu looks absolutely, positively, melt-your-heart adorable in its oversize Staryu sweater and festive cap (just look at that little ear sticking out the side). As if it didn’t seem bundled up enough, Pikachu’s Wooloo scarf is sure to keep it warm in the chilliest of weather. Shaymin is closely associated with flowers, so it’s little surprise that the Gratitude Pokémon arrives wearing a floral-themed outfit and holding a Gracidea flower. Maushold, as you might imagine, celebrates the holidays as a family, and what a charming group they are!
If you’re looking for a tinier friend or a sweet stocking stuffer, plush key chains are an ideal choice. Espurr, Cubchoo, Dedenne, and Pawmi are on the scene with a variety of seasonal outfits and accessories. But wait—is that Pawmi actually a snowman?!
Of course, there are plenty of other Pokémon plush waiting to be discovered at Pokémon Center. Attentive fans might notice a couple of new faces hiding in that tree: New Pawmi and Pawmo plush have nestled in among their friends, and they’ll be coming to Pokémon Center next year. Look for the Paw Pod plush line in 2025, and snag the new holiday plush today!
Pikachu Pokémon Holiday Plush - 10 ½ In. - $27.99
Dedenne Pokémon Holiday Plush Key Chain - $15.99
Cubchoo Pokémon Holiday Plush Key Chain - $15.99
Espurr Pokémon Holiday Plush Key Chain - $15.99
Shaymin Pokémon Holiday Plush - 9 ½ In. - $27.99
Pawmi Snowman Pokémon Holiday Plush Key Chain - $15.99
Maushold Pokémon Holiday Plush - 14 ¼ In. - $27.99
Last edited 29 Oct 2024 04:20 PM by