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20 Feb 2025 11:43 AM
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The Pokémon Company posted their third press release for the Kairyu and the Mailman commemorative animation on February 20th, 2025 as well as the accompanying interview with director Taku Kimura and screenwriter Kentarō Nana. Screenshots from the press release have been added to an Imageboard thread.

The first trailer for the Pokémon Day 2025 commemorative animation "Kairyu and the Mailman" has been released!

The next Pokémon Presents will be streamed at 11:00 pm on Thursday, February 27th, 2025!

A powerful flying scene of Kairyu has been released! Kyogre's leaping body is also seen! And the first interview with director Taku Kimura and screenwriter Kentarō Nana has also been released!

February 20, 2025 5:00 PM
The Pokémon Company has released the trailer for the Pokémon Day 2025 commemorative animation Kairyu and the Mailman, and the anime will be air on the official Pokémon YouTube channel at midnight on Thursday, February 27th, 2025. One week before the release date, the highly anticipated trailer for Kairyu and the Mailman has been released along with stills of Pokémon that appear in the film, including Kairyu, Kyogre, Hogator, Ikkanezumi (Family of Four), Umitrio, and Umidigda. The anime is produced in collaboration with animation studio CoMix Wave Film, which has worked on such films as Your Name, Weathering with You, and Sparrow's Door Closure.

In Kairyu and the Mailman, Hana, a young girl who admires the Mailman Kairyu, finds a letter with no address and goes on an adventure with Pokémon to find the sender. In addition, this animation, which is produced with overwhelming quality by Japan's leading animation production company CoMix Wave Films and up-and-coming director Taku Kimura (木村拓) (Studio Lemon), depicts amazing images for fans, such as Pokémon who work with humans at the post office, Pokémon who live in the wild, and Pokémon who live as partners with humans.

In addition, it has been decided that the next Pokémon Presents will be broadcast on the official Pokémon YouTube channel and other SNS at 11:00 pm Japan time on Thursday, February 27, 2025, on Pokémon Day. This year, it will deliver a lot of the latest information about Pokémon to fans.

In addition to the flying scene of Kairyu, various Pokémon will appear!

The long-awaited trailer for this anime has been released by the production team. The powerful flying scene with Kairyu, which is one of the highlights of this anime, is a must-see video for Pokémon fans that will raise expectations for this anime!

And stills of various Pokémon have also been released for the first time. Hana expresses a wide range of expressions including joy, anger, sadness and happiness. Hogator sits on Hana's shoulder with a letter in its mouth, the Ikkanezumi (Family of Four) delivers the letter, Umitrio, and Umidigda play on the beach, the Mailman Kairyu is hugged by Hana with the sunset in the background, and the Legendary Pokémon Kyogre is powerful and leaps into the air.

In addition to the Pokémon that appear in the trailer and stills, other Pokémon will appear in various scenes. It's sure to be one of the fun parts of the video to try to figure out the Pokémon that appear.

*The trailer will also be released on the official Pokémon YouTube channel on Friday, February 21st, 2025.

An interview with director Taku Kimura and screenwriter Kentaro Nana, who produced the film

An interview with director Taku Kimura and screenwriter Kentaro Nana, who produced the film. This interview conveys the behind-the-scenes production, and the enthusiasm they put into this work, and their deep love for Pokémon.

This work will be released on Pokémon Day on February 27, 2025. Please tell us how you felt when you decided to be involved in this work.
Director Kimura: I'm 30 years old this year (at the time of the interview at the end of 2024), so I'm about the same age as Pokémon, which is celebrating its 29th anniversary. When I heard that I would be working on Pokémon, which I've felt very close to since I was a child, I was pleasantly surprised, but at the same time, I was skeptical and wondered, "Am I really going to do this?" Also, when I first heard about it, it was a smaller project, but as it was discussed, the project expanded and became a work that would become the highlight of Pokémon Day. At first, I was nervous and under pressure, but the staff made it into a good anime, so I think the excitement won out.

Nana: I was born in 1990 and was about 6 years old when Pocket Monsters Red and Green were released. So, for me, Pokémon have been like friends that I've had since I was a child, so I thought, "It's such an honor to be able to work with my childhood friends as an adult!"

What points did you each focus on when creating an animated work based on Pokémon?
Director Kimura: This time, I wanted to portray "two types of Pokémon". The first is the Pokémon that work at the post office and have a good relationship with humans. The other is the wild Pokémon that live vibrantly in nature. There are so many of them, so it's hard to depict them all in animation, but I didn't shy away from that difficulty and portrayed many of them.

Nana: I wanted to make a work that is full of the richness and joy that comes from Pokémon, so I incorporated the feeling that "it's nice to live in a world where Pokémon exist" into the script. Also, our studio, CoMix Wave Film, is well-known for the way it depicts landscapes and worlds, so I was conscious of using that strength to create a story that would express the beauty of the Pokémon world.

What scene do you think is the most interesting, and what scene would you like people to pay attention to? Please tell us the reasons.
Director Kimura: Well, I would say everything (laughs), but I can't leave out the Kairyu flying scenes. Also, there is a scene in which Kyogre appears. When I joined the project, I heard that it was okay to have Legendary Pokémon appear, so I submitted an storyboard with Kyogre, and Nana-san incorporated it into the script, so I drew it the best I could. Kyogre also has the Ability Drizzle, so the scene turned out beautifully and included rain drawn by Comix Wave Film, so I hope you will pay attention to it.

Nana-san: For the Kyogre scene, I thought that Director Kimura's storyboard was very visually vivid and good, so I put it in a part of the story that gets particularly exciting, but Director Kimura also gave great direction, so I hope the viewers will enjoy it.

In addition, the music for this work is by the world-renowned Evan Call, and the music in the film is very impressive. When Director Kimura met with Evan Call, he told him that he wanted music that would have a western movie feel, and he was able to create music that was just right. Suis's singing is also wonderful, and I feel that the music has made the film a lot more exciting, so I hope you will pay attention to it along with the animation.

Please give a message to all the Pokémon fans.
Director Kimura: Since this is the 29th anniversary, we tried to include Pokémon from as many different series as possible. The story is also structured so that it gradually goes back through the series starting from the Paldea region. Because of this, I think it is a work that is worthy of the 29th anniversary, and can be enjoyed by people who have enjoyed Pokémon at any point in the series. There are lots of little details, so I hope you will watch it over and over again.

Nana: As a fan who loves Pokémon, I tried to make it a work that makes you think, "This is the kind of Pokémon I want to see", so I would be very happy if Pokémon fans enjoy watching it. Although it is a short film, all the staff members aimed to make it a work that is worth watching like a movie. There are some powerful scenes that can't be fully conveyed on a small screen, so it's worth watching on a big screen, and I hope everyone could see it on a big screen. If anyone would like to see it at the cinema, please send a message to The Pokémon Company! (laughs)
※Excerpt from an interview.

Theme song - Anime - Kairyu and the Mailman - Paper Airplane - suis from Yorushika x Evan Call

Director and Storyboard: Taku Kimura (木村拓) (Studio Lemon)
Script and Organization: Kentarō Nana
Character Drafts: Asuka Dokai
Character Design and Animation Director: Maho Aoki
Art director: Tasuku Watanabe
Music: Evan Call

Pokémon Day2025 記念アニメーション 『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』予告映像を初公開!次回の「Pokémon Presents(ポケモンプレゼンツ)」が2月27(木)23時より配信決定!

カイリューの大迫力の飛行シーンが公開!カイオーガの跳躍する姿も!そして、木村 拓監督&脚本・七 健太郎さんへのインタビューも初解禁!
2025年2月20日 17時00分
株式会社ポケモン(本社:東京都港区 代表取締役社⻑:⽯原恒和)は、『君の名は。』『天気の子』『すずめの戸締まり』などの作品を手掛けたアニメーションスタジオ「コミックス・ウェーブ・フィルム」とタッグを組み、「記念すべき日」をテーマとしたPokémon Day(ポケモンデー)2025 記念アニメーション『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』を、2月27日(木)0時(予定)よりポケモン公式YouTubeチャンネルにて公開いたします。この度、ついに配信開始1週間前となり、大きな注目を集める『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』の予告映像とカイリュー、カイオーガ、ホゲータ、イッカネズミ(4ひきかぞく)、ウミトリオやウミディグダなど、劇中に登場するポケモンたちの場面写真が併せて初公開となりました。
『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』は、郵便配達員のカイリューに憧れる少女ハナが、宛先のない手紙を見つけ、ポケモンたちといっしょに差出人を探す冒険に出ます。また、郵便局で人間と共に働くポケモンや、野生に暮らすポケモン、人間のパートナーとして暮らすポケモンなど、ファンにはたまらない描写を、日本を代表すると名高いアニメーション制作会社「コミックス・ウェーブ・フィルム」と新進気鋭の監督・木村 拓さん(スタジオ・レモン)が手掛け、圧巻のクオリティで制作されたアニメーション作品です。
さらに、次回の「Pokémon Presents(ポケモンプレゼンツ)」が「Pokémon Day」当日の2月27(木)、日本時間23時よりポケモン公式YouTubeチャンネル、その他SNSにて配信することが決定しました。Pokémonに関する様々な最新情報を今年もボリューム盛り沢山でファンの皆様にお届けする予定です。


豪華制作陣による「Pokémon Day(ポケモンデー)2025 記念アニメーション」として、先日情報が解禁された本作の、ファン待望である予告映像が初解禁となりました。今作の見どころでもあるカイリューの大迫力の飛行シーンは本作への期待を高めるポケモン好き必見の映像となっています!
そして様々なポケモンたちの場面写真も初解禁。喜怒哀楽を表情豊かに表現するハナ、そして、ハナの肩に乗り手紙をくわえるホゲータ、4ひきかぞくのイッカネズミが手紙を渡す様子、海辺で戯れるウミディグダやウミトリオ、夕日を背景にハナに抱き着かれる郵便配達員のカイリュー、さらには伝説のポケモン・カイオーガの迫力満点&躍動感満載な姿も。 予告映像や場面写真に登場するポケモンたちのほかにも、さまざまなシーンでポケモンたちが登場します。どのポケモンが登場するのか探してみるのも楽しみのひとつになること間違いなしです。

★本作の製作を手掛けた、木村 拓監督&脚本を担当した七 健太郎さんへインタビューを実施★

本作を手掛けた木村 拓監督&脚本を担当した七 健太郎さんへのインタビューを実施。
★2025年2月27日の「Pokémon Day」にあわせて本作が公開されます。今回作品に携わることが決まった際の心境を教えてください。
木村監督:私が今年で30歳(※取材2024年末当時)なので29周年のポケモンとはほとんど同世代です。小さい頃から身近に感じていたポケモンにお仕事で関われると聞いたときは、嬉しい驚きと同時に「本当に自分がやるのか」と半信半疑でした。また、最初にお話しをいただいたときはもう少し小規模な企画だったんですが、練り上げるにつれてどんどん企画が膨らんでいき、Pokémon Dayの目玉になるような作品になっていって。最初は緊張やプレッシャーもありましたが、スタッフの皆さんが良い映像にしていってくれたので、ワクワクが勝っていったなと思っています。

七さん:私は90年生まれで『ポケットモンスター 赤・緑』が発売されたのは6歳くらいの時でした。なので、自分にとってポケモンは子供の頃からそばにいる友達みたいな感覚だったため、「子供のころからの友達と大人になって一緒に仕事ができるなんて、こんなに光栄なことはない!」という気持ちでした。



木村監督: 全部と言ってしまえば全部なんですが(笑)、やっぱりカイリューの飛行シーンは外せないです。その中でもとくに、カイオーガが出てくるシーンがあるのですが、参加する段階で「伝説のポケモンを登場させても良い」と聞いたので、カイオーガなど描いたイメージボードを提出したところ、七さんが脚本の中に入れ込んでくれたので、気合を入れて描きました。カイオーガには “あめふらし”という特性もあるのですが、コミックス・ウェーブ・フィルムさんが描く雨の描写など含めて綺麗なシーンになっているので、注目して見てほしいです。

七さん: カイオーガのシーンは、木村監督のイメージボードがとてもビジュアル的に鮮烈で良いなと思ったので、物語の中でとくにテンションが上がる部分に入れたのですが、これまた木村監督に凄く良い演出を付けていただいたので、視聴者の方々に楽しんでもらえたら嬉しいです。

また、今作は世界的に活躍されているEvan Callさんに音楽を担当していただき、劇中曲にも力が入っています。木村監督がEvan Callさんと打ち合わせしたときに、洋画のような雰囲気を感じられる音楽にしたいとお伝えしたところ、まさにこれぞ!というようなぴったりな音楽を作っていただけました。suisさんの歌唱も素晴らしくて、音楽が作品の魅力を10倍、100倍にもしてくれたと感じているので、アニメーションとあわせて注目してほしいです。



アニメ『カイリューとゆうびんやさん』主題歌 「紙ひこうき」 suis from ヨルシカ×Evan Call

監督・絵コンテ:木村 拓(スタジオ・レモン)
脚本・構成:七 健太郎
キャラクター原案:土海 明日香
キャラクターデザイン・作画監督:あおき まほ
美術監督:渡邉 丞
音楽 :Evan Call

Source: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000733.000026665.html
Last edited 20 Feb 2025 12:02 PM by ForumBot