Title: Super Robot Wars Z overtakes Pocket Monsters Platinum for to...
Super Robot Wars Z was released this week for the Playstation 2 and entered the video game sales charts on top with 366,000 units sold. Pocket Monsters Platinum still managed to sell 195,000 copies, with its total sales closing in on the 1.5 million mark. The latest Pocket Monsters game was released in Japan on September 13th.
Below is a list of Media Create's top 5 titles sold for the week of September 22-28.
Rank | Title | Publisher | Format | Weekly Sales |
1 | Super Robot Taisen Z | Namco Bandai | PS2 | 366,000 |
2 | Pocket Monsters Platinum | The Pokemon Company | DS | 195,000 |
3 | Rhythm Tengoku Gold | Nintendo | DS | 65,000 |
4 | World Destruction: Michibi Kareshi Ishi | Sega | DS | 56,000 |
5 | Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix Max 2 Tokumori | Namco Bandai | PS2 | 35,000 |