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18 Dec 2008 02:44 PM
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The Pokémon TCG: Platinum expansion was released on February 11th, 2009. Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread.


The Pokémon TCG: Platinum expansion puts you in the middle of the action when you face challenges no Trainer has ever encountered before! From incredible Pokémon LV.X like Giratina to the mysterious new Lost Zone, from the newly discovered Pokémon Shaymin to the villainous Team Galactic, you’ll discover worlds you never knew existed and fight battles you never knew were possible. The Pokémon TCG: Platinum is your first step into the next great Pokémon TCG adventure!

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  • Introduces the never-before-seen Pokémon Shaymin!
  • Includes all-new Trainer-specific Pokémon SP!
  • New game play area, the Lost Zone, adds lots of new strategies!
  • Features two theme decks built around the new Pokémon Shaymin and the Renegade Pokémon Giratina!
  • Exciting holographic parallel set for players and collectors alike
  • 130 cards in all!

Source: https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-tcg/platinum

Flourish / Rebellion Theme Decks

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Sweet victory is yours with the fast-moving Flourish deck! Silcoon becomes the powerful Beautifly in the blink of an eye, while swarms of Fire and Grass Pokémon catapult into action. The amazing Shaymin enables you to dish out damage to your opponent's Pokémon with Energy Blow, while keeping your team in top condition by removing damage counters with Aromatherapy. When you don't have time to mess around, go ahead and win with a Flourish!

What do you get when you team up Fighting and Psychic Pokémon? You get a hard-hitting team with some tricks up its sleeve! The mighty Giratina keeps you safe with its Dragonbreath as Mismagius and Dugtrio use their sneaky traps to catch your opponents off guard. Then, unleash Gardevoir and its double-barreled Energy Burst attack. The more Energy in the field, the stronger it gets! With your strength and savvy, you'll lead your Rebellion to supremacy!
Last edited 10 Dec 2024 10:18 AM by ForumBot