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12 Feb 2009 12:31 PM
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picNintendo has confirmed that Pokémon Platinum Version will have its European launch on May 22nd this year, a few months after the North American release.

The game that has sold over 2.4 million copies to date in Japan since its launch last September, with more than one million of those copies being sold within the first three days of launch; is set to reach European shores on 22 May 2009.

A sweeping new adventure, set in the Sinnoh region of the Pokémon world, packed with new features – such as new ways to play online at the Wi-Fi Plaza over Nintendo Wi-Fi connection and the ability to save your greatest victories in the Vs. Recorder – will electrify fans of the Pokémon series. A brand new Distortion World, governed by neither time nor space, also emerges, which provides a whole new gameplay challenge!

The epic story of Pokémon Platinum Version revolves around the legendary Renegade Pokémon, Giratina, appearing in its new Forme, the Origin Forme. Many other Legendary Pokémon are featured and can be captured in Pokémon Platinum Version – from Dialga and Palkia, to the powerful Lake trio of Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit

Perhaps most excitingly of all, one of the rarest and most popular Pokémon, Shaymin, available only in Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version through special events* appears in a new Forme in Pokémon Platinum Version. Transfer Shaymin from Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl game to your copy of Pokémon Platinum Version to discover the never before seen Sky Forme, with a new appearance, new attributes and special powers.

Your heroes appear in a new, special winter wardrobe in order to survive the freezing cold of wintry Sinnoh in Pokémon Platinum Version. As you follow the main quest to put a stop to the sinister Team Galactic, completing side missions and contests along the way, you will – of course – engage in some serious battles…

And when it comes to battling, Pokémon Platinum Version certainly packs a punch!

An all-new Battle Frontier, a special building packed with challenges and tournaments, is accessible after defeating the ‘Elite Four’ and the Pokémon League Champion – the game’s final boss Trainers – and gaining a ferry ticket to the Fight Area. Not only are the final bosses harder to beat than ever before, but once you’ve overcome them and entered the Battle Frontier, you’ll find the fighting has only just begun! The Battle Frontier contains five different Battle facilities, with each facility awarding Battle Points that can be traded for fantastic prizes.

In addition, the Global Trade Station from Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version has been expanded and renamed the Global Terminal, where you can check out other people's battles. Battle Videos are listed by popularity, so you can easily locate great content! You can save Battle Frontier and Wi-Fi battles via the Vs. Recorder, so that you can connect with Pokémon fans around the world and interact in new ways. Re-live your victories – or use them to gloat and provoke your friends into online battle!

Pokémon Platinum Version is designed to make online play as simple and exciting as possible. In the basement of every Pokémon Center is a Wi-Fi Plaza where up to 20 players can connect wirelessly and play games together in real-time. As well as trading and doing battle with friends with whom you have exchanged Friend Codes, there are a number of mini-games available to play together in the Wi-Fi Club.

There are hundreds of hours of immersive gameplay to be enjoyed in what is anticipated to be another epic Pokémon adventure. Get ready to see why Pokémon Platinum Version has been shattering sales records in Japan when it launches across Europe for Nintendo DS on 22 May 2009.

Source: Press Release