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21 Mar 2009 12:14 AM
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The Pokémon TCG: Platinum Rising Rivals expansion was released on May 16th, 2009. Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread.

Platinum Rising Rivals

The Pokémon TCG: Platinum—Rising Rivals expansion brings powerful Trainers and amazing Pokémon together in new and exciting ways, pitting Trainer against Trainer and Pokémon against Pokémon in battles that are sure to raise players to the top of their games! This latest installment of the best-selling Pokémon TCG contains more than 110 cards and features new Pokémon SP and new Pokémon LV.X including Luxray and Gallade, while the Plasma Pokémon Rotom can now be collected in five different forms!

Loaded with the latest Trainer cards, new game play options, and some of the most awesome Pokémon ever, Platinum—Rising Rivals lets you ascend to the level of the Elite Four and discover the elite Trainer in yourself!

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  • Look for all-new Pokémon SP
  • Discover powerful new Pokémon LV.X
  • Collect five different forms for Rotom—Wash Rotom, Fan Rotom, Frost Rotom, Mow Rotom, and Heat Rotom

Add Spice with New Pokémon SP
With more than 30 Pokémon SP in this set, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from. Team Galactic’s Pokémon return with cards like Darkrai [G] (3/111); however, new types of Pokémon SP are on the scene now! You can play with Gym Leader’s Pokémon like Lucario [GL] (8/111), or even Pokémon belonging to members of the Elite Four! Scizor Elite Four (48/111) has been trained by Elite Four Aaron himself!

A Plethora of Pokémon LV.X
The power of nine new Pokémon LV.X is yours to control in this exciting set! Use Snorlax LV.X (111/111) to refill your hand with its Big Appetite Poké-Power, and then use those cards to keep Snorlax LV.X going with Exercise when it wakes up. Of course, the Gym Leaders have their own Pokémon LV.X, like Floatzel [GL] LV.X (104/111) that keeps your Water-type Pokémon in the game even after they’re Knocked Out! Infernape Elite Four LV.X (108/111) proves that the Elite Four can reach the highest level of training as well. Too many Pokémon LV.X giving you trouble? Fight fire with fire and use Flygon LV.X’s (105/111) Extreme Attack to take them down, even ones on the Bench!

Learn the Secret of Rotom!
The mysterious Plasma Pokémon Rotom can be found in a special subset of cards in Rising Rivals. Each of these Rotom can change its type to match the form it’s in, like Water-type for Frost Rotom (RT2). Rotom can do more than be a double threat for opposing Weaknesses; Heat Rotom (RT3) can be a great engine, getting your Fire-type Pokémon powered up and Burning your rival’s Pokémon. Using the power of Charon’s Choice (RT6) you'll keep your opponents off balance—they'll never know which Rotom they'll be facing next!

Get all the action of Rising Rivals at your local store with boosters, and also watch for great theme decks, Drill Point and Cutting Edge!

Source: https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-tcg/rising-rivals

Cutting Edge / Drill Point Theme Decks

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Find out exactly how the Elite Four became so elite when Blade Pokémon Gallade 四 cuts through the Defending Pokémon's Resistance with a fierce Feint attack. This forceful Psychic-type Pokémon gets support from gutsy Grass-type Pokémon like Leafeon and Beedrill, both of which cause devastating Special Conditions and great damage to go along with it! Play your game with the Cutting Edge theme deck, and you'll always be one step ahead of your opponents!

Could anything match the thrill of hammering down your opponent's defenses turn by turn with the brute force of Fighting-type Pokémon like Rhyperior 四 and Hippowdon with their Rock Tumble and Groundquake attacks? There is: try a roundhouse-right from Vibrava and its astonishing Energy Typhoon. With all that Energy rushing your way, your early-game domination will drill straight through your opposition. Get the point?
Last edited 09 Dec 2024 05:21 PM by ForumBot
21 Mar 2009 06:29 PM
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