Title: Pokemon Creators Get Personal with IGN, "announcement about ...

Earlier this week Nintendo gave IGN another opportunity to interview Game Freak director Junichi Masuda and game designer Takeshi Kawachimaru. They got to ask them a few more questions about Platinum, and quite a few more questions about their personal experience with the Pokemon games. Below are excerpts from the interview.
GN: For someone who already owns Diamond or Pearl, what is the motivation, besides Giratina, to pick Platinum up and start the game over?
Kawachimaru: Definitely the battle video. You can upload your battles and show them to everyone, but at the same time you can see how other people battle. You can see people's battles from all over the world, and that's a very cool part of Platinum. Another thing is the Battle Frontiers. There are four facilities in the Battle Frontier and those are two things different from Diamond and Pearl.
IGN: The Pokemon series has stayed very similar throughout it's lifespan. Are there plans to revamp the game and give it an overhaul?
Masuda: Yes, I understand that people talk about the strength and weakness of the series. And we always make our effort to increase the good things about Pokemon. There is something we want to improve and enhance all the time. There are lots of ideas out there and we want to make that idea realized to enhance the gameplay of Pokemon. There is some day soon that we can make an announcement about new stuff, so that's something you can look forward to.
IGN: Any chance you can tell us now?
Masuda: [laughs] Sorry, I can't.