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15 Jun 2009 01:37 PM
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picNew websites for the upcoming games Melee! Pokémon Scramble and Heart Gold / Soul Silver launched today. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/wiiware/wpsj/ is part of Nintendo Japan's WiiWare website and lists information about the game. http://www.pokemon.co.jp/special/hgss/ is part of the Official Japanese Pokemon website and it includes information and new artwork from the games that will be released later this year. A map of Johto was also published and can be seen by clicking on the picture to the side.

The level 5 Jirachi that was announced last week will also be available via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. It will be available for players of the Japanse versions of Pocket Monsters Diamond, Pearl and Platinum from June 19th to July 17th, 2009. The Jirachi can then be used to unlock the special Pokewalker course, entitled 'The Endless Night Sky (よぞらのはて)'.

picThe official Yahoo Japan website also updated their website with new artwork from the upcoming movie, Pocket Monsters - Arceus - Towards the Continuum of Conquest (アルセウス超克の時空へ). The all the images have been posted to the Imageboard. The thread does contain spoilers for the movie and the main series.

Sources: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/, http://www.pokemon.co.jp/ and http://pokemon.yahoo.co.jp/
15 Jun 2009 03:21 PM
Joined: 09 Feb 2009
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Gosh, the new Johto just looks so awesome... Guess we\'ll see some sort of Battle Tower at the place that\'s hidden by the clouds =D
And omg I had no idea Arceus was that tall! As always thanks a lot Sunain ^^
15 Jun 2009 10:00 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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Indeed. I really like the scale pictures from the movie despite the lack of artist skill on them. The other artwork shots are also really good. Looks like its going to be a good movie.