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14 Oct 2009 07:45 PM
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3 new Platinum Arceus cards were revealed today. The latest Pokémon card game expansion set, Platinum: Arceus, will be released on November 4th. Below are scans and information about the three newly revealed cards.

Gengar LV.X
The evolution chain of Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar is featured prominently in Platinum—Arceus, with Gengar LV.X (97/99) at the top! Gengar LV.X is a little tricky to use on its own, but both its Level-Down Poké-Power and Compound Pain attack have game-changing potential. First, Level-Down lets you remove a LV.X from an opponent's Pokémon and have that card shuffled back into his or her deck so, if you've been suffering at the hands of your opponent’s Pokémon LV.X, Gengar LV.X is a sure-fire way to slow them down! After you’v e leveled the playing field in this manner, use Gengar LV.X's Compound Pain attack to do 30 damage to any of your opponent's Pokémon that already have damage counters on them. Both of the regular Gengars that Gengar LV.X can Level-Up have attacks that can target your foe's Bench, giving Compound Pain the potential for extraordinary power!

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Zapdos [G]
The high-flying Zapdos [G] (12/99) crackles with lightning as it swoops into the game! Zapdos [G] can use its two moves to quickly build Energy levels then deliver a thunderous blow to the Defending Pokémon! The Charge Beam attack rapidly loads up on Energy whilst the Lightning Strike attack delivers 40 damage... or 80 damage if you choose to discard all the Lightning Energy attached to Zapdos [G]! Since Charge Beam makes it so easy to replenish Zapdos [G], it makes sense to do the maximum damage as often as possible.

Toxicroak With its sharp claws and piercing yellow eyes, Toxicroak (11/99) will put the fear into your opponent even before an attack is made! This Stage 1 Pokémon looms under an ominous eclipse, ready to deliver two stellar attacks packing plenty of strategic potential. First up is its Corner attack, which not only prevents the Defending Pokémon from retreating but also does 20 damage. Next is Convert Blow, an attack that delivers a basic 30 damage (plus another 30 if Toxicroak has Fighting Energy attached to it), and causes Poison if Toxicroak has Psychic Energy attached. Try to employ these attacks back-to-back, using Convert Blow to Poison the Defending Pokémon, and then Corner to force it to stay in battle—racking up even more Poison damage!

Source: http://go-pokemon.com/tcg/cards/featured/pl4/