Home / Forums / Live Action Series / Pokémon Sunday / PS 203: Pokémon Revival 'Nyula to Barrierd! Docchi...
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07 Sep 2008 01:43 AM
Sunain Administrator
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Well if your a baseball fan and a Pokemon fan combined, than this is your dream episode. Since I find baseball to be the most boring sport other than lawn bowling, I found this episode dragged a bit. Kazuhiro Sasaki was one of the premier relievers of both Japanese and American professional baseball and guest stared in this episode to help train the Pokemon Sunday Tim team as well as a local Japanese pee-wee team. It was funny to watch Gorgo attempt to hit Kazuhiro Sasaki pitches, and it didn't even look like he was pitching too fast either.

The Pokemon Card Game Worlds review was the highlight of the episode. Akane from Pokemon Daisuki NOW traveled to Florida to get interviews and highlights from the tournament. It was particularly funny when she was interviewing American kids and asking the questions in Japanese. The kids had no idea what she was saying and had tons of funny expressions on their faces.
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07 Sep 2008 03:00 AM
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14 Sep 2008 07:54 PM
Adamant Administrator
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Golgo failing at baseball was the absolute highlight of this episode, and I really wish they had focused more on the Sunday team trying to play rather than the basic training stuff they ended up running with.

I never cared much for the card game, but it was.. well, interesting the way they focused on the Japanese kid who placed second rather than the actually winner :P

The anime episode they showed is one of the better ones from that period of filler ****, but it's hardly an all-time classic.