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03 Oct 2010 02:19 AM
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Episode PictureThe first episode of Pokémon Smash, Lizardon! I Choose You!! / The New Members and President Enter / Let's Study the Basics of BW Pokémon! / What is Robert's Assignment? (リザードン!きみにきめた!! /新メンバー&会長が登場!/BWでポケモンを基礎から学ぼう!/ロバートの配属は?), aired today in Japan. Pokémon Smash replaced Pokémon Sunday (ポケモン☆サンデー) in the same 7:30am to 8:30am time slot on TV Tokyo.

At the end of the final episode of Pokémon Sunday, Golgo announced that the PokéSun company was being disbanded. The song 'Auld Lang Syne' played in the background as he announced it. That clip aired at the beginning of Pokémon Smash as a little reminder of what has occurred.

The show begins with three girls walking and looking around the new Pokémon Enterprise (ポケモンエンタープライズ) headquarters. The girls talk in English and one of the girls talks in Italian. The girl in the yellow shirt says: "Okay everybody! C'mon!" (オッケー! エブリバディ カモン!) and they walk off with Zoroark. Robert appear just after the girls leave and they wonder who they are. Yamamoto spots them returning and Robert hides behind the glass at the back as they watch what they are doing.

The girls introduce the anime rerun theme, Pokémon Library (ポケモンライブラリー). This weeks episode, Lizardon! I Choose You!! is from the Orange Islands arc. A full summary of this episode is available in the episode guide.

After the rerun episode concluded, the three mysterious girls return to the main set and they hear a noise come frmo Robert's direction. Akiyama makes a "Pika" noise but that doesn't fool them and Robert is discovered. Robert start to inquire who they are and why they are there just as Golgo, Red and Shoko appear. Golgo says he'll explain everything and tells everyone to take a seat.

Golgo starts off by saying that the PokéSun Company is no longer and has been replaced with Pokémon Enterprise (ポケモンエンタープライズ), P.e for short.

TIM group which includes [Red Yoshida (レッド吉田) & Golgo Matsumoto (ゴルゴ松本)], Robert (ロバート) group which includes [Ryuuji Akiyama (秋山竜次), Hiroshi Yamamoto (山本博) & Hiroyuki Baba (馬場裕之)], as well as Shoko Nakagawa (中川翔子), the cast members from Pokémon Sunday, have all returned to the new show Pokémon Smash. Joining them are the new cast members who are: Choi Hong-Man (チェ・ホンマン) is a South Korean kickboxer and mixed martial artist. He is very tall at 7'2" and he towers over the rest of the cast as the press conference pictures show. 17 year old Misaki Momose (桃瀬美咲) in the yellow shirt, 11 year old Hana Watt (ハナ・ワット) in the red shirt, and 11 year old Maria Israel Cialdini (マリアイスラエル・チャルディーニ) in the green are the three girls.

Lucario, Hikozaru and Yamirami will not be appearing on the show as the regular Pokémon anymore. Lucario, an obvious fan of the Barry Manilow song Copacabana, retired to Copacabana, a borough in the southern area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Shoko-tan showed a picture of Lucario on the beach in Copacabana waving. A picture of Hikozaru in front of the Effel Tower in Paris, France was also shown by Shoko-tan. Lucario and Hikozaru have been replaced by Mijumaru and Zoroark.

Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.