Pokémon Smash Episode 10,
Lots of Digda! / The Adventure Division Gets Mystery Eggs from the Day Care Man, What Will They Hatch Into!? / The International Division Obtains Information on Pokémon Eggs (ディグダがいっぱい! / アドベンチャー部がそだてやじいさんからナゾのタマゴをゲット、その正体は!?/インターナショナル部もポケモンのタマゴ情報を入手!), aired today in Japan.
The episode started with Golgo and the staff decorating the cardboard cutout of
Chief Executive Officer Choi Hong-Man with Christmas decorations and tinsel as the song "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" played in the background. They turn off the lights in the studio to show that the they also put Christmas lights on the cardboard cutout. Akiyama shows up and removes his suit jacket to show that he is also wearing Christmas lights on his body.

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Golgo introduces this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and Yamamoto announces this weeks theme 'Pokémon save the Earth?!' (ポケモンは地球を救う!?). This weeks rerun episode was
Lots of Digda! (ディグダがいっぱい!) from the
original Japanese series.
A full summary is available in the episode guide. Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the repeat episode finishes, the International Group girls show up and are quickly drawn to the
Chief Executive Officer Choi Hong-Man cardboard cutout with the Christmas decorations on it. Hana says its 'Beautiful' and looks like a Christmas Tree.
Robert decide that they would try to figure out what the new title of this summers Pocket Monsters movie would be. Each of them made a movie poster with the Pokémon and title of the movie they thought would be in theaters next year. Yamamoto revealed his first, The Melancholy of Mijumaru and the Rose Bouquet (ミジュマルの憂鬱と薔撥の花束). Yamamoto points out that Mijumaru lost its shell (ホタチ hotachi). Obviously he got inspiration for the title from the 11th Pocket Monsters movie
Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin (ギラティナと氷空の花束 シェイミ) and Haruhi. Next up was Baba, who said next years movie would be a sea themed movie and he revealed his 'The Last Message: POKEZARU' movie featuring
Baoppu, and
Hiyappu. His movie title was based off the movie
The Last Message: Umizaru. Finally, Akiyama revealed his movie poster, Pocket Monsters
Monmen VS
Minezumi VS
Yorterry based off the 10th Pocket Monsters movie
Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai (ディアルガVSパルキアVSダークライ).

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The Adventure Group is sent out to investigate the mystery of the egg campaign after they received an egg from the Day Care Man. Robert wonders what it will hatch into as they push it around on a cart. They get to a staircase and Akiyama decides to carry the egg up the stairs after Baba almost dropped the egg on the ground. They continue pushing it around until it starts to hatch. Instead of a Pokémon that they were expecting to be hatched from the egg, a girl pops out. The girl runs away and they go and chase after her.
The girl appears to be a magician to Robert and they sit down in front of her as she begins a magic show. Her first trick turns her handkerchief into a long wand. Her assistant appears and gives her a picture of a dove sitting on a branch. She rotates the picture, waves her hand and then reaches into the picture to pull a real dove out of it. For her next trick, she shows the audience a hollow box, puts it on a table and then begins pulling large dice out of it. She then pulls a handkerchief out of the box and combines it with another one in her hand. Suddenly, another dove appears from the handkerchiefs. The girl was then revealed as the 13 year old child magician,
Shio-rin (しおりん).

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For her next trick, she starts to flick a deck of cards and asks Robert to tell her to stop at any time. Baba gets her to stop at the Jack of Spades. She puts the card back in the deck, flicks the deck, snaps her fingers and reveals the top card which is the Jack of Spades.
Robert returns back to the park where Zoroark and the Day Care Man were standing. Baba tells him that there was no Pokémon in the last egg they got from him. The Day Care Man gives them a new egg and states that it will be a fighting type Pokémon. Akiyama then states that the Day Care Man looks a lot like Kuro-chan from the Japanese comedy trio
Yasuda's Great Circus (安田大サーカス). Robert begin pushing the egg around until they get to a bridge as as they are going down the slope, Baba lets go of the cart with the egg on it and it begins rolling away. Baba and Yamamoto manage to catch up to it before it crashes.
Robert arrive at a Kick boxing ring just as the egg begins to hatch. Instead of a fighting Pokémon appearing, another girl pops out. She jumps into the ring and begins sparing. Yamamoto asks if she is doing kick boxing and she replies that she is doing
Thai boxing (ムエタイ Muay Thai). The girl is then revealed to be 11 year old Itō Saya (伊藤紗弥), currently a champion for her age group.
Akiyama then nominates Baba to fight against her. The rules for the fight state they would battle for three rounds. The way Baba was fighting though, he didn't appear like he could handle 1 round let alone 3. Itō Saya easily kicked the crap out of Baba in 2 rounds.

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Robert returned to the park where Zoroark and the Day Care Man were standing still. The Day Care Man tells Robert to look at the egg to the side of them which was moving around. It also was slightly different than the other two eggs they got previously as it didn't have any green spots. Suddenly a head popped out of the egg and it was revealed that the person in the egg was
Street Performer Balloon Tarō (大道芸人 風船太郎). He starts jumping up 3 different step ladders while still in the egg and then runs away.
Egg Events
The International Group girls promoted the new egg event for the games that loosely ties in with the new series:
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes! In Best Wishes
episode 12, which airs on Thursday, December 9th, 2010, Satoshi will receive an egg.
A special Pokémon Mystery Egg event for
Pokémon Black and White will start on
December 17th, 2010 and will end on January 11th, 2011. Players can only receive one egg per game and the egg will hatch into one of three random Pokémon. The event will be available via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, at Nintendo Zone locations (such as participating McDonalds), and DS Station locations in Japan.
From December 17th, Pokémon Card game players that purchase 4 booster packs from the new Black Collection/White Collection set will be presented a special card at random at participating retailers. Each booster pack costs 158 yen.

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Pocket Monsters Movie 14 - Victini and the Dark Hero
At the end of today's episode, a teaser trailer for the upcoming 14th Pocket Monsters movie
Victini and the Dark Hero (ビクティニと黒き英雄) aired. The same teaser trailer also aired earlier in the week on the variety show
Oha Suta (おはスタ) hosted by Kōichi Yamadera (山寺宏一) and
Best Wishes 11.

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Pokémon Library Vote
During the credits the narrator reminds viewers that the Pokémon Library vote that allows viewers to choose between two episodes will be over soon. Golgo suggested viewers vote for
Bivouac by Iwark (イワークでビバーク) while Professor Red suggested
The Jungle Trio! Hot Spring Battle!! (ジャングルのさんびき!おんせんバトル!!). Voting is open until December 6th, 2010 at midnight. Viewers can vote for their favorite episode at the
official Smash website.

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Characters and
Pictures from this episode have been added to the
episode guide. You can also
comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the
episode guide.