Title: Pokémon TCG Black & White: Sneak-Peek Tins Revealed
Croftminster has posted the press release and pictures for the upcoming Pokémon TCG Black & White set that is to be released in March of 2011. The UPC Code is 0-820650-10625-5.
Press Release
Are you ready to catch the next generation of Pokémon? Each Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sneak-Peek Tin contains 1 of 3 NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN basic Pokémon preview cards from the Pokémon TCG: Black & White expansion - the Grass Pokémon Snivy, the Fire Pokémon Tepig, or the Water Pokémon Oshawott - but that's not all!
You also get Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott as a collectible figure! Want more? Each tin also contains a special Black & White preview pack with 5 more NEW Pokémon!
On top of all this, you get 4 MORE Pokémon TCG booster packs from Call of Legends, the HS Series, or the Platinum Series!
Each Pokémon TCG: Sneak-Peek Tin contains:
- 1 of 3 never-before-seen Pokémon - Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawatt - as both a TCG card and a fantastic figure!
- A special preview pack for the Pokémon TCG: Black & White expansion - five Pokémon chosen just for this sneak peek!
- 4 more Pokémon TCG 10-card booster packs from previous releases!
Last edited 02 Dec 2024 12:36 PM by