Title: English Dub titled "Pokémon: Black & White"
The official Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver website posted a news article for the Ash's Pikachu event at Toys"R"Us later this month in which it announced the title of the new season of the English dub. The 14th English dubbed season will be called "Pokémon: Black & White", the same name as the games. The Japanese and Taiwanese versions of the same series are called "
Best Wishes (ベストウイッシュ)". The title 'Best Wishes' is a double pun in Japanese.
Press Release
Ash and his partner Pikachu have been through thick and thin together in their adventures on TV and in the Pokémon movies. Now, they prepare to go on all-new adventures in the latest TV season, Pokémon: Black & White! Follow Ash, Pikachu, and a brand-new cast of characters as they discover never-before-seen Pokémon throughout the Unova region.