Title: European Mamoswine Event - passwords announced

Alongside the Banette event, a Mamoswine / Mammochon will be distributed over the Global Link in a similar manner. The event will run from October 20, 2011 to January 19, 2012, and the passwords for accessing it will be available in local video game magazines.
This is the same
Manmoo and the same
Mammokkuri that were released in Japan and Korean earlier in the year and are now being distributed in Europe.
The Mamoswine is level 34 and has the Ability Thick Fat. Mamoswine is an ice/ground type which means that fire moves are super effective against him. However, this special Thick Fat ability halves the damage taken by fire-type attacks, making Mamoswine a lot tougher to beat.
The password for the UK was
revealed on the official website of The Official Nintendo Magazine. The password is:
The French password is:
The Spanish password is:
The Italian password was revealed by the Nintendo Rivista Ufficiale magazine. The password is:
Further passwords will be announced once known.