Title: Pokémon Black and White 2 - August Trailer and Crustle C-Gea...
The official Pokémon YouTube page has posted a new trailer for Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2. Below is the clip. It reveals a lot of new information on the story, the characters and the new features of the games, mainly Join Avenue, the Pokémon World Tournament and the Memory Link. The Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 site has also updated to include the newly-revealed information.
Crustle C-Gear skin
The Crustle C-Gear skin that was previously distributed in Japan is to be given out to international players from August 2nd, 2012 until September 6th, 2012 when they enter the special password in the Promotions page of the Pokémon Global Link site. Our C-Gear page has been updated with the new information. The passwords for the different languages are as follows: