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06 Jan 2013 07:09 AM
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The announcer introduced the show by telling the audience that this is the 5th PokéSma Champion Position Tournament, where the previous Champion Director Shoko-tan and the Original Champion Group Member Baba and the 3rd Champion Group Member Yamamoto all Compete for Victory. Clips from the previous tournaments were shown.

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Golgo and the entire Smash crew were then on hand to wish the viewers a happy new year. They had all made banner scrolls that said: Championship (優勝) as they were all hoping to become the champion. The announcer then went over the previous four tournaments and discussed how each of them went. Baba has made it to the finals in every tournament and Shoko-tan had been in the finals three times and won twice. Shoko-tan is the current champion from the fourth tournament.

Golgo then noticed that Akiyama's banner did not say Championship (優勝) like everyone elses. Instead it said "Runner up" (準優勝)

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International Division - Match 1 - Niccolo VS Maru

This battle was only briefly shown. Only one person from the International Division would make it into the Smash Tournament, so the Internation Division all battled each other to determine the champion of the Internation Division and the person who would advance to the main tournament. Niccolo had a Braviary and Buffron while Maru had a Swanna and a Frost Rotom. The battle ended with Nicollo winning as he defeated her Chandela.

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International Division - Match 2 - Neese VS Noemi

Once again this battle was quickly shown but Neese had a PorygonZ and a Roubushin while Noemi had a Tsubotsubo and a Kekking. His PorygonZ used Tri Attack on Tsubotsubo and managed to freeze it. Roubushin then attacked and managed to confuse Noemi's Kekking. The battle then fast-forwareded to a point where Neese still had his PorygonZ but also had an Ulgamoth while Noemi had a Raichu and a Aiant but both her Pokémon were defeated at the same time to give Neese the victory.

International Division - Match 3 - Neese VS Niccolo

Thumbnail The battle started with Neese using his PorygonZ and a Roubushin while Niccolo used Braviary and Buffron. Neese's Roubushin used Drain Punch on Niccolo's Buffron and one hit KO'd it. The battle then fast-forwarded and Niccolo's Buffron was replaced with a Gigaiath. Niccolo then managed to knock out PorygonZ. Once again the battle fast-forwarded and Neese's PorygonZ was replaced with an Ulgamoth and we just see Niccolo's Buffron use DynamicPunch (ばくれつパンチ) to knock out Ulgamoth. Neese then sends out his Dredear but at this point Niccolo only has his Buffron with very low HP. Neese's Dredear uses Petal Dance (はなびらのまい) to finish it off and crown Neese the Internaional Division Champion.

As the winner of the last tournament, Shoko-tan go a buy into the second round of the tournament while Baba was placed at the other end of the tournament tree as he was the runner up from the last tournament. The remaining contestants drew numbers out of a box to determine which matchups they would be in for the first round. Yamamoto was the last person to draw numbers and he didn't want to get 5 because he'd be matched up with Baba in the first round, a rematch of the 3rd tournament final battle that Yamamoto won. Unfortunately for him he picked 5.

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Both Shigeki Morimoto (森本茂樹) and Junichi Masuda (増田順一) arrived on set and took a similar role in this episode as they did in the previous episode as judges/spectators.

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First Round - First Match - Golgo VS Neese

Thumbnail The battles in the first round were 4VS4 level 50 Pokémon. The battle started with Neese using his PorygonZ and a Roubushin while Golgo countered with Yamirami and Hariteyama. Golgo started off the battle by using Fake Out with Yamirami which damaged both of Neese's Pokémon. Hariteyama used Toxic Orb (どくどくだま) which is an item that poisons the Pokémon holding it. Yamirami then used Confuse Ray on Roubushin and confused it. Then Hariteyama used Close Combat on PorygonZ and knocked it out. Neese's Roubushin used Drain Punch on Hariteyama which critically injured it and restored all of Roubushin's HP. Neese's PorygonZ was replaced with his Ulgamoth. Yamirami then used Confuse Ray on Ulgamoth and confused it. Neese's Ulgamoth used Heat Wave and damaged both of Golgo's Pokémon and knocked out Hariteyama. Golgo sent out his trusty Okutank to replace his fallen Hariteyama. It used Ice Beam on Ulgamoth and froze it. Yamirami then knocked out Roubushin leaving Neese with just his frozen Ulgamoth. Okutank then used Hydro Pump to finish it off. Neese then sends out his final Pokémon Dredear but Golgo still had 3 active Pokémon. Dredear used on Yamirami and it became infatuated and less likely to attack. Okutank had a trick up its sleeve though and it used Fire Blast to one hit KO Neese's Dredear and give Golgo the victory in the battle. Golgo moved on to the second round while Neese and the International Division were eliminated from the tournament.

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Robert introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library. There was no theme for the episode this week but the announcer discussed the battle history for Satoshi and his rivals in the Isshu League. This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was Satoshi VS Kotetsu! The Secret Weapon: Sazandora!! (サトシ対コテツ!秘密兵器サザンドラ!!) from the Best Wishes Season 2 series. A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

First Round - Second Match - Red VS Akiyama

ThumbnailAkiyama started off the match by sending out Onigohri and Yukinooh while Red sent out Lizardon and Hassam. Red's Hassam started off by using Bullet Punch on Akiyama's Onigohri and critically hitting it. Onigohri then attacked using Blizzard and damaged both of Red's Pokémon. Lizardon then attacked Yukinooh with Inferno and almost 1 hit KO'd it but it wasn't enough as it was holding a Focus Sash (きあいのタスキ) which allows the holder to endure one potential KO attack by only having 1 HP. Yukinooh then used Blizzard and knocked out Lizardon. Yukinooh was then knock it out as well as it sustained damage from the previous Inferno which had burned it. Red then sent out Dainose while Akiyama sent out Todoseruga. Red's Hassam started off the round by using Bullet Punch on Todoseruga. Blizzard was then used twice by Akiyama and the second time it froze Dainose. Red then decided to switch out his Dainose for a Charem. Onigohri then used Blizzard again and froze Charem this time and knocked out Hassam. Blizzard was used yet again and Charem was knocked out so Dainose returned to battle in a frozen state. Blizzard was used yet again and knocked out Dainose to give Akiyama the victor and Red was eliminated from the tournament.

First Round - Third Match - Yamamoto VS Baba

ThumbnailBaba started off the match by sending out Lucario and Ononokus while Yamamoto sent out Crecelia and Wash Rotom. Baba's Lucario used Final Gambit on Crecelia but Crecelia survived as it had sufficient HP. Crecelia used Thunder Wave on Ononokus and paralyzed it. Baba then sent out Suicune. Wash Rotom used Thunderbolt on Suicune and did approximately 70% damage. Suicune then used Ice Beam on Crecelia while Ononokus used Guillotine on Wash Rotom but both attacks did little damage as Yamamoto had used Substitute in a previous turn. The Substitute ended for Wash Rotom though. Crecelia then used Ice Beam on Ononokus while Wash Rotom used Thunderbolt on Suicune was knocked out. The battle then quickly fast-forwarded to show Crecelia using Ice Beam to knock out Baba's Ononokus and then his Doryuzu to win the battle and eliminate Baba from the tournament while advancing to the next round.

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The second round matches were now set with Shoko-tan battling against Golgo and Akiyama battling against Yamamoto.

Second Round - First Match - Shoko-tan VS Golgo

ThumbnailGolgo started off the match by sending out Yamirami and Hariteyama while Shoko-tan countered with Bohmander and Gablias. Yamirami used Fake Out which damaged both of Shoko-tan's Pokémon. Hariteyama used Toxic Orb (どくどくだま) which is an item that poisons the Pokémon holding it. Yamirami used Attract on Gablias and it became infatuated and less likely to attack. Gablias though was able to attack Yamirami with Outrage and almost 1 hit KO'd it but it wasn't enough as it was holding a Focus Sash (きあいのタスキ) which allows the holder to endure one potential KO attack by only having 1 HP. Bohmander then used Draco Meteor on Hariteyama and 1 hit KO'd it. Golgo then send out his Ringuma while Shoko-tan switched out her Bohmander for her Crecelia. Yamirami used Confuse Ray on Crecelia and confused it. Gablias tried to attack but was under Attract. Ringuma then used Close Combat on Gablias and damaged it a lot. Crecelia then used Icy Wind and Yamirami was finally knocked out. Ringuma then used Facade on Gablias and knocked it out. Shoko-tan sent out her Bohmander again while Golgo sent out his Okutank. Bohmander used Draco Meteor on Ringuma and knocked it out. Crecelia then used Psyshock on Okutank and it did about 50% damage. Okutank then used Ice Beam on Bohmander and knocked it out. Shoko-tan then sent out Ulgamoth and it used Bug Buzz to knock out Okutank to give Shoko-tan the victory and eliminated Golgo from the tournament. Shoko-tan moved on to the finals.

Second Round - Second Match - Akiyama VS Yamamoto

ThumbnailYamamoto started off the battle by sending out Crecelia and Metagross while Akiyama countered with Onigohri and Yukinooh. Yamamoto started off by switching out Metagross for Bangiras. Onigohri then attacked using Blizzard and damaged both of Yamamoto's Pokémon. The match then fast-forwards and Yamamoto has a Chandela out with his Bangiras while Akiyama has his Nokocchi out with his Onigohri. Bangiras uses Rock Slide on Akiyama's Pokémon, knocking them out. It then fast-forwards again to just show Yukinooh also being knocked out with Rock Slide. Yamamoto did not loose any of his Pokémon in the battle and he advanced to the finals against Shoko-tan.

Final Round - Shoko-tan VS Yamamoto

ThumbnailYamamoto started off by sending out Chandela and Crecelia while Shoko-tan counter with Ulgamoth and Manyula. Yamamoto's Chandela used Heat Wave on Shoko-tan's Pokémon, almost knocking them both out. Manyula had a Focus Sash (きあいのタスキ). Ulgamoth then used Bug Buzz on Crecelia to knock it out. Manyula was knocked out in the round though as well due to burn damage. Shoko-tan sent out Gablias while Yamamoto sent out Toritodon. Yamamoto's Chandela used Heat Wave on Shoko-tan's Pokémon and it was enough to knock out her Ulgamoth. Gablias then used Outrage on Toritodon and one hit KO'd it. Shoko-tan then sent out her Crecelia while Yamamoto sent out his Metagross. Crecelia used Protect while Chandela used Heat Wave and it burned Gablias. Gablias then used Outrage on Metagross but it wasn't very effective. Chandela used Heat Wave again and this time knocked out Gablias while lowering Crecelia HP to about 65%. Metagross used Comet Punch on Crecelia lowering its HP to 84/221. Yamamoto's Chandela used Heat Wave once more to lower Crecelia HP to 7/221 Metagross used Comet Punch on Crecelia to finish it off and give Yamamoto the championship!