Home / Forums / News/Current Events / 15th Anniversary Eievui Nintendo 3DS LL
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16 May 2013 10:16 AM
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A special 15th Anniversary Eievui Nintendo 3DS LL will be available to purchase by a few lucky lottery winners in Japan. The Pokémon Center Original Nintendo 3DS LL Eievui Edition (ポケモンセンターオリジナル ニンテンドー3DS LL イーブイエディション) features Eievui colored brown stripes on the front of the Nintendo 3DS and a picture of Eievui on the back. Those wishing to purchase the Eievui Nintendo 3DS need to submit their application between May 15th, 2013 and June 3rd, 2013 with a postmarked envelope. Those that are selected to purchase the Nintendo 3DS will receive a postcard in the mail around June 14th, 2013. The Eievui 3DS cost 18,900yen and the purchase period is from June 22nd, 2013 until July 7th, 2013. Last year a special Lizardon 3DS was also distributed in a similar manner.

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Source: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/pokecen_15th/3dsll.html