Title: Pokémon X and Pokémon Y: The Official Pokémon Strategy Guide...

Amazon has posted information about the upcoming Pokémon X and Pokémon Y: The Official Pokémon Strategy Guide on their site. The description reveals a new aspect to the games:
Super Training. No further details regarding this feature were revealed. The guide goes on sale October 12, 2013 for $17.99 USD.
Here’s what's include inside the guide:
- A complete walkthrough of all the Gym Badges and through the Hall of Fame!
- Detailed information on all the new game features, from Sky Battles and Horde Encounters to Super Training and Pokémon-Amie!
- A guide to where to find hidden items, TMs and HMs, and special Pokémon—with a location index!
- Hints on the best ways to use Roller Skates, ride Pokémon, and challenge Gym Leaders!
- A super effective Pokémon screen cleaner to keep your Nintendo 3DS system looking sharp!
- Helpful tips and tricks for getting the most out of the PSS and online play!
- An updated type matchup chart that includes the all-new Fairy type!
- Pullout map to guide you through the Kalos region!