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18 Apr 2014 02:17 AM
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A new news article has been posted!
The official Japanese Pokémon website has revealed that the Pokémon Centers will be giving out Pokémon that can Mega Evolve as presents. From May 10th, 2014 until June 22nd, 2014, 6 different Pokémon will be distributed each week. The Pokémon being distributed come with a Mega Stone associated with that Pokémon to allow it to Mega Evolve during battle. These Pokémon are sure to be popular in Rating Battles on the Pokémon Global Link.

Week # Distribution Days Pokémon
1 May 10th, 2014 until May 18th, 2014 smallicon Gyarados (ギャラドス)
2 May 19th, 2014 until May 25th, 2014 smallicon Hassam (ハッサム)
3 May 26th, 2014 until June 1st, 2014 smallicon Garura (ガルーラ)
4 June 2nd, 2014 until June 8th, 2014 smallicon Gangar (ゲンガー)
5 June 9th, 2014 until June 15th, 2014 smallicon Bangiras (バンギラス)
6 June 16th, 2014 until June 22nd, 2014 smallicon Kucheat (クチート)

Pokémon Center Battle Championships (ポケモンセンターバトル チャンピオン決定戦)

In addition to the distribution, the Pokémon Center Battle Championships will also be held. Four people were selected as the Elite Four at each store and players can challenge them in the Pokémon Center Battle Championships! Players can put the Pokémon they received in the distribution as part of their team and join in the battles. Further details will be revealed on the official Pokémon website in the future.

Battle Dates Age Groups Battle Type
May 24th, 2014 All Ages (全年齢対象) 3vs3 Single Battle (3対3のシングルバトル)
May 25th, 2014 Elementary School Age or Younger (小学生以下対象) 3vs3 Single Battle (3対3のシングルバトル)
June 21st, 2014 All Ages (全年齢対象) 3vs3 Single Battle (3対3のシングルバトル)
June 22nd, 2014 Elementary School Age or Younger (小学生以下対象) 3vs3 Single Battle (3対3のシングルバトル)
July 12th, 2014 All Ages (全年齢対象) 4vs4 Double Battle (4対4のダブルバトル)
July 13th, 2014 Elementary School Age or Younger (小学生以下対象) 4vs4 Double Battle (4対4のダブルバトル)

Source: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2014/04/140418_p01.html