Title: Phantom Gate (ファントムゲート) - TCG XY4 Expansion
A new news article has been posted!
Japanese retails have posted the sell sheets for the 4th Pokémon Trading Card expansions.
Phantom Gate (ファントムゲート) will be released on September 13th, 2014 and will have 88 cards plus an unannounced number of secret rare cards. The booster packs will contain 5 cards and will sell for 150yen plus tax.
Hyper Metal Chain Deck Dialga EX + Gillgard EX (ハイパーメタルチェーンデッキ60 ディアルガEX + ギルガルドEX) will also be released on the same day for 1000yen plus tax. Deck boxes and card sleeves featuring Mega Gengar will also 362yen plus tax.